London 2012 Olympics

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London 2012 Olympics

London 2012 Olympics Games and Sustainability

London 2012 Olympics Games and Sustainability


Sustainability can be defined as the phenomenon which fulfills the needs or demands of the people without compromising or ignoring the capabilities of future generations to fulfill their own needs. Researches and studies demonstrate that, broadest definition of the sustainable development was proposed by the Brundtland commission, in the year 1987. The definition of Brundtland commission demonstrates the sustainable development as the expansion of resources that fulfills the needs of current generation without ignoring the resources which would help the future generations in fulfilling their demands (Shipway, 2007, pp. 119-124). In addition to this, it is observed that, the term sustainability is not limited to only environmental issues but it incorporates economic issues, social issues and environmental issues of the society. It is because of the reason that all these features collectively form the entire society. According to recent reports and studies, the government and concerned authorities of London has played a vital role in enhancing and maintaining the sustainability of their country. In this regard, they organized Olympics in the year 2012 (Hayes & Horne, 2011, pp. 749-751).

It is observed that, London Olympics 2012 significantly enhanced the sustainability of the state. It is due to the reason that, the heart and theme of the Olympics and the Paralympic games of 2012 was based on the factor of sustainability. Several organizations took participation in these games and sponsored the Olympics of 2012. The most prominent organizations were LOCOG (London organizing committee of the Olympic Games and paralympic games) and ODA (Olympic delivery authority). These organizations played a significant role in hosting the London Olympics 2012, in order to ensure the long lasting economic, social and environmental benefits through legacy and regeneration (Girginov &Hills, 2009, pp. 161-181). The proceeding paper elaborates the success of the London 2012 Olympic Games in terms of sustainability.


Over view of London Olympics 2012

London Olympics 2012 was one of the effective steps of the concerned authorities towards the sustainability. The main objective for London to host the Olympic games of 2012 was the sustainable feature of the site and the games. Studies and reports demonstrate that, London Olympic Games are the efforts to make the unforgettable history on the issues of carbon reduction. Furthermore, these games are also considered as the most advanced concepts of promoting the games as well as its infrastructure (Hayes & Horne, 2011, pp. 749-751). The location of these games was the Olympic park of approximately two hundred and forty six hectares, situated in the east London. History of the east London demonstrates that, it is the most deprived and the most diverse community in the United Kingdom. The main concept behind this plan was to renew or redevelop the entire city. Before Olympic Games, various sustainable strategies and techniques were used, in order to clear and clean the park. Furthermore, those techniques also enabled the concerned authorities to reuse and recycle approximate ninety percent of the ...
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