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The word 'logos' as used in John gospel

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The word 'logos' as used in John gospel


A culture of the moment that is very superficial, they call attention to the strange words, believing that it was something different from what we know or see the esoteric or spiritualism, which are in vogue. Now I want to talk about Jesus Christ, using strange words, and he announced at the beginning, and because of the queries made by the students, one related to song “Jesus verb, not noun.” The prologue replaces the narratives of childhood found in Matthew and Luke. For John, this is the real beginning of the life of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels agree with John to begin the public life of Jesus through the preaching of John the Baptist, but says nothing about the preaching of the latter (Jensen 2004, pp. 79-96). John the Baptist executed what he announced the prologue of him bears witness of Jesus.

The first thing in Christianity used the word logos were St. John, but when St. Jerome translated the Bible from Greek into Latin, gives the meaning of verbum logos or word, playing San Juan who included in the word logos to a person, not just an idea. For San Juan, logos or verbum is the Son of God who existed from the beginning as Verbum and that at the time took human nature: "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.


John, looking for an introduction to his gospel, has adopted and adapted the hymn to make an introduction which sets out the major themes of the gospel: Jesus, the gospel which tells the story among men presented here in its origin and its principle. ...
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