Log Book

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Log Book - Periodic Record and Analysis

Log Book - Periodic Record and Analysis

Name: Company:

Week Number: 1

What relevant IT knowledge/skills have you gained this period?

First week is difficult for me because I had to prove my self in front of the managing department of an IT company. I took a start as an IT engineer in a firm in which I had to deal with installation of new systems and implementation of computerized systems, dimensioning requirements and functionality of the system by specifying its architecture, choosing tools development, specifying programs, coding applications, managing computerized environments, provide training and technical support to the user; draw technical documentation to establish standards; coordinate projects and offer solutions to computerized environments, research technologies in computing. Advise on teaching, research and extension.

How did you acquire the new knowledge skills?

I read the material attached with the products during installations. Search patterns, techniques and tools available in the market, identify suppliers, request product demonstrations, evaluate new technologies for through technical visits; build platform tests, analyze functionality product, compare alternative technologies; attend events for qualification professional.

How does this knowledge/skill relate to your course (give details of unit and outline any previous knowledge)?

The skill is linked to my course in the way that I had studied computer organization, design, assembly, microprogramming, and representation of information. All these skills acquired were the practical application of the education acquired.

Identify any relevant personal/social skills i.e. team working, interviewing used this period

I dealed with training of users which involve consulting references; prepare syllabus, material teaching and evaluation tools for training, determine resources for audiovisual hardware and software set up training environment; and administering the training. This requires coordination with the trainers, and also looking after the training program.

Name: Company:

Week Number: 2

What relevant IT knowledge/skills have you gained this period?

In second week, I had to deal with the information systems in organizations. These information systems required different networking technologies like routers, switches, wired or wireless mechanism and other networking devices. Studying business rules inherent in the objectives and scope of the system; size requirements and system functionality; perform data collection; predicting the growth rate of the system, defining physical implementation alternatives; specify the system architecture; choose development tools; model data; specify programs; encoding applications; assemble prototype system, testing system, defining infrastructure hardware, software and networking; approve infrastructure hardware, software and networking; deploy systems.

How did you acquire the new knowledge skills?

Designing information system was a great learning process for me. I learned new networking technologies and programming of routers and switches. I learned a lot in the 2nd week of my job. I learned recording, classification of networking devices and catalog information resources, develop languages documentary, reviews and summaries; develop databases; make maintaining databases, manage quality and content sources information; generating sources; reformatting media, migrate data; develop methodologies for the generation of digital or electronic documents. Server systems are used to store information related to the organization.

How does this knowledge/skill relate to your course (give details of unit ...