Loewe Store

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Launching Loewe Store in Rio de Janeiro


Launch of Brand3

Category Management3

Strategic Planning4

Brand Dynamics4

Pricing Strategy5

PEST Analysis5

Political Factors5

Economic Factors6

Social Factors6

Technological Factors7

SWOT Analysis7

Strengths of Loewe Store7

Loewe Store's Weaknesses8

Loewe Store's Opportunities8

Threats to Loewe Store9

Strategies for Market Penetration for Loewe Store9

Celebrities and launching the Loewe11

Dynamic Categories11

Competitive Analysis12

Brand Management12

Sales Management12

Consumer Loyalty13

Administration of Brands13

Retailer Services13

Business Opportunities13

Promotion Efficiency and Effectiveness14

Sales Management14

Brand Management14

Dynamics of Consumer Purchase14

Strategic Planning15

Market Dynamics15

Brand Management and Sales15

Strategic Planning16


Will the product need someone?16

There is some competition in the industry17

Loewe Store will be able to provide additional services17

What is the volume of sales and profits?17

Pricing Strategy of Loewe Store17

Can Loewe Store's product evolve over time?18

Launching Loewe Store in Rio de Janeiro


The study relates to the launch of brand that is Loewe Store in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Loewe is a luxury brand, which has various products in two different catalogs that are men and women; thus, it can be said that the Loewe is a luxury brand. The key aim of the launching the brand in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is that it is considered as the place of tourists; moreover, there is also a potential of target customers market in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Launch of Brand

Category Management

When launching Loewe Store in Rio de Janeiro, which is not enough to understand their performance. It is crucial for Loewe to know who is buying, where it originated and the volume of sales and whether the products of Loewe are attracting new buyers in the Brazil. The fundamental questions regarding the launch of Loewe should include the following:

How many people are already aware of Loewe?

Does Loewe belong to new category for the buyers?

The new brand developed category and attracted new buyers to this?

What is the response of consumers who have tried the products of Loewe for promotions and advertising campaigns?

What is the effectiveness of promotional activity on the different categories of Loewe?

Strategic Planning

The failure to determine the specific needs for Loewe of a new market can be costly, both financially and for corporate image. In volatile markets, for case in point, Rio de Janeiro- Brazil, the market constantly changes and mistakes can mean losses in advertising campaigns, costs of production and distribution, as well as damage to its brand and satisfaction associated with it.

Loewe should be aware of the development of new products which requires effective methods to minimize risks and maximize gains. The new ideals should reduce risk and refine the composition of marketing before the launch of Loewe Store. The key points ranging from idea generation to development of the final composition of marketing entails the following:

What new concepts must push Loewe's new products?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of Loewe's concept and brand?

How likely Loewe's new product will get succeed?

Is the message correct in the communication campaign of Loewe?

Which of Loewe's concepts should be pushed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil?

Brand Dynamics

Managers of Loewe Store in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil should ensure that Loewe have the correct range of products that allow maximum sales and ensuring the effective management of the assortment ...
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