Locative Media Projects

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Locative Media Projects

Locative Media Projects


The main purpose of this paper is to describe the locative media projects and the analysis of at least two examples of locative media projects along with the technologies used and the ways through which the echo ideas have been engendered by the situationists. The term media located was originally proposed in 2003 by Ben Russell and Marc Tuters as an attempt to categorize mediates new forms of art work exploring the intersection of the virtual space and the physical space. The locative media have attracted the attention of a new generation of artists and technicians, soon joined by researchers and scholars who have sought to explore the use of location technologies in artistic interventions, customized maps or definitions of social networks.


The term was coined in 2001 by Karlis Kalnins as artistic category to designate the products and processes that were generated in the Locative Media Lab Processes aimed at investigating the uses and applications which is called the new Panopticon Geographic. The Panopticon generated from the new technologies promoted by the Space Race, is a global and abstract world that has reduced every corner of the planet to an extent measurable, traceable and expressible in coordinates (Albert 2004, p. 12). This world reduced to data and handmade has been a hybrid space where the virtual space comprised of these data has spread like a continuation of the physical world in which everyday life unfolds.

The Locative Media Art is a new form of interactive art which is at the intersection of these two spaces, outputting the interaction of the flat surface of the screen to propose and develop around the urban space. Considering the possibility of a critical use and poetizante of monitoring and control devices brings all this aparatage panopticon. A subversive and perverted use of the Panopticon that carries the redefinition of this space performed. By entering the abstract representation of the vast space that brings semantic content living space. As explained by Anthony Townsend:

The locative media will enhance our awareness of our urban condition and planners offer the same data types in real time as available climatologists and astronomers to understand their complex systems (Yoshida 2010, p. 77). The locative media could thus induce a real breakthrough in the way we think about cities as collective organizations and perhaps help us to better control their consumption and waste production.

"Two scenarios are possible: either localized media trigger unbearable explosion of personal mobility in major world cities, they become the key to access to the knowledge we need to achieve a sustainable global urban system."

Locative Media Projects

Today, localized media projects are numerous. One Block Radius , for example, is a project of two artists from Brooklyn, Christina Ray and Dave Mandl, whose purpose is to build a psychogeographical representation of a "block" New York, with an incredible variety of media: videos, pictures, blogs, maps. Projects New York Yellow Arrow (yellow arrow), Digital Street Game or 24 dollars Island allow any individual to ...
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