Living In Two Places

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Living in Two Places

Living in Two Places


The United States and Ecuador have a lot of similarities; both countries are ruled by democratically elected presidents; they both have iconic places to visit; and getting used to living in both countries is a relatively easy task. However, when comparing life in the United States with that in Ecuador, it can be suggested that it is a very different experience.


There are several factors that make living in Ecuador starkly different from living in the United States. For example, given the sheer size of the United States, there are huge markets where people can buy a wide range of goods and at varied prices. In the United States there are a lot of restaurants to visit in order to satiate one's appetite. For instance, if a person is buying food at the supermarket and wished to purchase something to drink, he would literally have an entire aisle to look for any type of drink that would suit his taste.

Apart from this, getting fast food is also very common in America; it is also very cheap. However, a potential drawback of life eating at an American restaurant is that purchasing good, healthy food can be very pricey most of the time and the only meals that will be available at a cheap price are junk food and fast food. For example, fast food is commonly available in America for less than five dollars, while the price of healthy food starts at 20 dollars. This shows that getting healthy food is really expensive.

In comparison, the markets of Ecuador are relatively small and this rather limits the range of goods and services available for the consumer. Ecuador doesn't have a lot of places to go to for the purpose of shopping; same is the case with food. When a person goes to the super market, his choice will be greatly limited. For instance, if a person wanted something to drink, he would typically have only 6 to 8 brands to choose from at a store. Although it can be argued that this makes it easier for the consumer to decide what to choose, it is also true that there is always the likelihood that the consumer may not always find what he wants to drink at the store.

On the good side, however, restaurants in Ecuador provide good healthy food at a relatively reasonable price. For instance, some of ...
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