This paper intends to discuss the significance of Lithium for the treatment of Bi Polar disease. Lithium is considered to be one of the most important choices for the treatment of psychiatric disorders like bipolar disease. It is not wrong to say that lithium is considered as the first choice for several decades in relation with the treatment of bipolar disease. Lithium for the purpose of the treatment of bipolar disease is sold under different names of Lithobid, Carbolith and many others. Serum considerations must be maintained in order to make the treatment most effective. Lithium is also considered to be important for reducing the risks related to suicide. The most recent utilization of lithium is seen in the treatments of Aids and Cancer. The paper will provide a general overview of the drug, primary evidence supporting the drug for the treatment of Bi Polar disorder, the most important agent, contemporary monitoring and expected outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware about the significance of lithium in the treatment of bi polar disorder.
General Overview of the Drug
The most important aspect of the drug is assumed to be impact over the stabilization of one's mood. John Fredrick Cade is known as the man who established a link between lithium and the mood stabilization process. It was September 1949 when this research related to lithium and mood stabilization was published in the Medical Journal of Australia. During his research over the impact of uric acid on mice, he found the extensive utilization impacts of lithium. He researched extensively and established the fact that lithium has little impact over the depressed patients; however, the manic patients are assumed to become much more relaxed after the significant use of lithium (Gershon, 2009).
The most important aspect of the utilization of lithium is that it is used heavily and it is extremely effective in reducing the symptoms and frequency parameters of depression and manic episodes. It is researched that the maintenance of mania can be reduced to 70 to 80 percent with a controlled dosage of lithium. However, there are certain exceptions attached to the drug usage as always. The basic things which hinder the effective treatment process are the response patterns of patients. It becomes extremely difficult for the physicians to treat patients who are not motivated for their treatments, are non compliant or extremely disadvantaged. Another reason which can be traced for the non success rate of patients being treated with lithium might be the fact that extreme broad range of patients were focused within the trial research (Silverstone, 2000).
The treatment of lithium must be discontinued with extensive care. It is suggested that lithium must only be discontinued if there is extreme necessity and even in that situation, it must be provided gradually. This gradual discontinuation is suggested after a lot of research and studies. Abrupt discontinuation is assumed to have high ...