Literature Review: The Way How To Coach

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Literature Review: The Way How to Coach

Literature Review: The Way How to Coach


Studies on coaching efficacy have been emerging slowly as the inception of coaching used in the 1930s. Current empirical and theoretical evidence is scare, still the valuable use of several proprietary coaching models and methods have been accounted. The aim of this literature review was to provide a summary of present models and methods of coaching to determine a common theoretical basis on which an empirical study can be conducted. Nearly all models and methods of coaching focused unconditional respect of all people's capacity to take their own decisions and attain fulfilment by self-actualization. The process of coaching was determined to be focused on human potential and value, and found to be client-centred and holistic.


Szabo (2010) highlighted the important parameters of coaching in sports. This study concluded that the coach be a charismatic leader and acts as a role model for athletes. However, only few fall under this category. Coach has to play varied, and diverse roles, such as knowledge of fountain, organizer, motivate, adviser, leader, friend to mentor, instructor and demonstrator. It is the role of the coach to provide assistance to athletes in preparing different programs of training, create and use assessment tests to monitor progress of training and predict athlete's performance, communicate effectively with sportspersons, and assist them in developing new skills. Moreover, Szabo asserted that the coach is responsible to create a positive learning environment and ensure continuous progress in a success-oriented environment by adopting strategies of criticism, encouragement and verbal instruction.

According to Sullivan, Paquette, Holt and Bloom (2012) examined how context of coaching and coaching education level were associated to coaching efficacy and, then coaching efficacy was associated with perceived behaviours of leaders. The competitive context did not envisage coaching efficacy, but coaching efficacy foreseen leadership behaviours of situational consideration, social support, positive feedback, instruction and training. This study concluded that coach education has a significant relationship with coaching efficacy, despite competitive context.

A study was conducted by Camire, Trudel, and Forneris (2012) to examine the strategies, philosophies and coaching life skills used by model high school coaches, using Gould and Carson's (2008) model coaching to train life skills, as well as how to transfer these skills of life to other life areas. Study findings pointed out that the coach understood their pre-existing framework of student-athletes and had philosophies depended on promoting student-athletes development. Coaches have strategies about skills transferability that they learned in sport; whereas, variations were accounted, student athletes and coaches usually considered that athletes-students may transfer the skills learned in sport to other life areas. This study concluded that coaches who invest more in tactical and technical skills may have a powerful and long-term influence on the development of student-athletes.

Nicolas, Gaudreau and Franche (2011) examined the relation between strategies of coping, perceived coaching behaviours during a sport achievement and sport competition. Finding of this study pointed out that unsupportive coaching was constructive predictor of disengagement-oriented; however, supportive coaching turned ...
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