Literature Review

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[Literature Review]


Literature Review

The food industry, State and Territory regulatory administration and FSANZ have evolved administration schemes to minimise Listeria contamination throughout food production. This encompasses the implementation of Codes of Hygienic Practice; adherence to microbiological measures and hygiene and sanitation obligations in the Food Standards Code; gathering obligations of State and Territory regulatory agencies; and supplying aimed at recommendations to buyers to farther enhance the security of our food supply. (Yousef and Marth 1990 3351-3356)


Information about Listeria and listeriosis

What is Listeria?

Listeria is a assembly of pathogens discovered broadly in dirt, water and the intestines of numerous household and untamed animals, fish and birds. Listeria can endure for long time span of time in dirt, leaf litter, waste, silage, vegetation and water. Listeria is often discovered in food processing environments and has the proficiency to pattern biofilms and endure on evidently glossy surfaces.

There are six species of Listeria; however, Listeria monocytogenes or L. monocytogenes is the most widespread species that can origin sickness in humans and animals. In humans,L. monocytogenes is the causative agency of listeriosis, a possibly mortal sickness in at risk people. While the incidence of listeriosis is somewhat reduced, it is significant to public wellbeing administration because of the high case-fatality rate of this infection. Eating contaminated foods is the most widespread entails of communicating this illness. (Tham 1988 165-172)


Information about 'at risk'people

Who is at risk?

Listeria contamination does not commonly sway wholesome mature individuals and children. However, it can be very grave for with child women and their unborn young children, new born offspring, the aged and individuals whose immune schemes have been dwindled by infection or sickness, for example those pain cancerous infection, leukaemia, AIDS, diabetes, liver or kidney infection and any individual on medication that can stifle the immune scheme (for demonstration, corticosteroids for example prednisone or cortisone - but not topical creams and ointments), encompassing body part transplant patients. (Stone 1987 257-264)

Differences in susceptibility live amidst diverse subpopulationse.g.organ transplant patients [1] are advised to be more susceptible to listeriosis than other at risk subpopulations (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Relative susceptibi;ities for immunocompromised and non-immunocompromised


How widespread is listeriosis?

Listeriosis is a uncommon disease. The described incidence of the infection is much smaller than for numerous other foodborne infections, but the penalties of contamination are severe. In Australia there are roughly 60 situations of listeriosis notified to wellbeing administration each year. The most of these are in aged patients or persons who have stifled immune systems.  

Most situations of human listeriosis are sporadic and the causes and path of contamination are generally unidentified, although, contaminated food is advised to be the foremost path of transmission. Incubation time span variety from a couple of days up to three months.  (Belda 1998 324-327)

A little number of diseases (less than 10 per year) happen in with child women and their unborn child. However, the factual incidence is unidentified as such diseases are often not enquired or diagnosed. Testing is not regularly undertook on miscarried foetuses.


How unsafe is listeriosis?

There is clues to propose that Listeria is a transitory inhabitant of the intestinal tract in ...
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