Literature Review

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Literature Review

Preceptors: Good, Bad and their Impact on the Transition from Student Nurse to Graduate Nurse


The purpose of the paper is to determine and understand the capability of how and how much the nursing staff can cope with stress related experiences and how it affects them in their daily work life and furthermore the responses that the nurses present to patients when critical situation arises. The relationship between the patients and the nurses needs to be sound and healthy to acquire optimum benefits for both, as critical care requires great dedication, it is essential to denote an understanding between the two. Such understanding can only be developed through building strategies with the critical unit, which could help the nurses with decreased level of stress leading to better and improved performance and care (Fetter, 2000, pp.111). Moreover, the decreased level of stress in among the nurses can improve the quality of professional work in the critical care unit.

Literature Review

The graduate nurses are supposed to be responsible to fulfill the needs of patients who are suffering by injury and illness. They are supposed to take care and cater the requirements of patients in number of settings such as intensive care, ambulance, physicians and operating rooms. They also work in the specialized practices and health care clinics. It is a fact that many of the graduate nurses are working in forms of teams for health care facilities. It is also possible that a graduate nurse is working in a setting where she or he is not involve in patient care directly or have very little exposure of patient care. It is possible that a graduate nurse is performing roles in health care staff. Thye literature review is based on the important concepts that come during the transition of a student nurse to graduate nurse. The elements are common stressors in nursing, regardless of occupation nurse. These elements reflect the origin of the causes and consequences that cause the exercise of profession. This suggests new challenges and ways of working. The workload is exhausting the stressor more prominent in nurses' activities, in addition to internal conflicts among staff and lack of motivation and support to the professional, and the blurring of the professional role a factor sum to stressors.

Schedule of a graduate nurse

Nurses work in hospitals to take care of patients so it is 24 hour service that has to be provided in hospitals. Therefore, nurses work in shifts and on an average one shift means 12 hours of working. The responsibility of graduate nurse in general includes recording and observing medical history of patients (Benson, 2010). The graduate nurses used to observe the patients during the time of hospitalization such as the condition of patient when patient was admitted and the improvement level on daily or weekly basis. The period of observation can vary as per the instructions of doctor or any senior medical officer. The graduate nurse is also supposed to maintain the medical history of patients. It is the duty of graduate ...
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