Literature Review

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The Relationship between Employee Engagement and Organizational Performance


Employee Engagement2

Employee Engagement Drivers4

Employee Engagement and the Organizational Performance Relationship6

Strategies of Engaging Employees7

1.Start it from day one7

2.Start it from top8

3.Enhance employee engagement through communication8

4.Opportunities for Advancement and Development8

5.Appropriate Trainings8


7.Distinctive Corporate Culture9



Literature Review - The Relationship between Employee Engagement and Organizational Performance

This literature review aims to explore and review the key issues that exist within the human resource field, by performing a critical analysis of the relationship that exists between employee engagement and organizational performance. The main purpose of this paper is to review the relevant theories and studies that have previously been conducted on the aforementioned subject, in a critical manner, in order to review their strengths and limitations.


Employee engagement is the one of the most crucial factors for enhancing organizational performance, since employees are the ones who basically work on behalf of organizations. If the employee structure of any organization is efficient then the probability of success of that organization would be really high.

In recent years, employee engagement has been debated over a lot. However, despite of the ongoing discussions and arguments, the literature available on this subject remains scarce, and people are therefore not properly acknowledged with the link that exists between employee growth and organizational performance. However, the scenario is expected to change, given the ever-increasing discussion of the core concepts this subject entails.

This basic purpose of this assignment is to review the available literature on the relationship between employee engagement and organizational performance, with an aim to review and clarify the core concepts in the same area. The paper also discusses the options available for enhancing employee engagement within an organizational setting (Harter, 2002, pp. 268-279).

The objective of this literature review is to discover the key issues that exist within the area, to review the research that had previously been conducted on the subject, to explore the questions that could further specify and narrow down the research, and to present theoretical data and concepts. It also aims to critically analyze the existing studies, and to draw conclusions that identify the core ideas from the studies mentioned within the paper.

In the end, this literature review would be able to help one to decide that either the employee engagement is necessary for an organization's growth or not. This study will help the manager of an organization and the organization as a whole to understand the importance of employee engagement in an organization and to decide the necessary strategies for building an engagement factor in an organization. This study will also help the students as well in understanding the role of an employee in an organization.

Employee Engagement

Although no specific definition exists that would define the contents and boundaries of employee engagement, a number of researchers have attempted to define it previously.

There is no exact definition to employee engagement but can get an idea, but it can be although explained by the definitions provided by the three human resources area of three well known research organizations the definitions are given ...
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