Literature Review

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Writing a Literature Review

Writing a Literature Review


Today, there are certain parameters of research, which can lead us, towards reliable information. A systematic search may refer to the consideration, searching and gathering of effective and authentic data which may initiate the research. It is a systematic metho9d that eliminates chances of error and unauthenticated material from a research. (Durec 2013, p.n.d). A systematic review means the review of devised and formulated questions that use a systematic method to gather and analyze the data from the study (Stave 2012, p.04).

A literature review may be defined as a debate, or discussion of the issued and public information in a particular field or subject. It is a critical analysis or evaluation of a published research or topic determining the authenticity and effectiveness. Literature review is not a simple summery of articles. It is the review of published an article along with the conclusion or analysis that has been generated after reading the content of published articles. It is a process of synthesizing, analyzing and evaluating data and content and generating a precise result from that (

A helpful way to analyze information and generate relevant knowledge and information is “Critical Review”. A Critical Review is a method of summarizing the information of a published article after critical evaluation. It contains the writer's analysis and conclusion after reading published information about the topic. It is a careful analysis that encompasses and synthesizes the strong and feeble points of an article.

There are certain advantages and benefits of literature review and critical analysis of a topic. Literature review can be done on diverse topics, and they are adaptable and resourceful. It is an efficient and low cost method to generate authentic data about a topic. There is no involvement of group co ordination or time management. It can be done by using data and library and online authentic data, so it is comparatively less costly (Marrelli, 2008 p.43).

Critical Review gives an obvious and clear acceptance or refusal of a study after evaluation. It gives a complete unbiased conclusion about the acceptance or rejection of the research along with relevant resources. It concludes the study with strong arguments and evidence base researches that leads towards critical analysis and generating result. Critical Review acknowledges the resources in a standard way. The Critical review analyzes describe and interpret content after careful evaluation and thorough analysis. It demonstrates understanding of the reader and represents the idea the he got after reading that topic.

The benefits and advantages of critical analysis, literature review and systematic searching have become immensely important tools in research today. Bridges the gap between the practical solution and assumptions. It is the most practical way to use authentic knowledge in order to deal with a disease or health related issue.

Literature Review

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