Literature Review

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Literature Review

Literature Reviews

Mergers and acquisitions take place for many reasons. Typically, they are planned in order to boost the market position of a business and to give it a competitive edge in the market as well as the industry. With a rapid increase in globalization, there have been numerous concerns for businesses planning to strike a merger or acquisition. For example, the credibility of a business remains a huge quest ion mark these days, particularly if it belongs to a country where corporate laws are full of loopholes, making them less effective to ensure the protection of big companies.

There have been numerous debates on how globalization is the specter of powerful corporations. Moreover, fears of an increased concentration of capital, as highlighted in Marx's Law, have heightened due to mega mergers and high-profile anti-trust mergers. In the article 'Corporate concentration and turnover in global industries', Franko (2003) seeks to cover the topic by conducting an assessment of the effects of globalization on the power of corporations. This paper studies Franko's article and explores the level of durability and concentration of the power of global corporations. It conducts extensive research on a total of 18 global industrial units in order to investigate exactly how durable and concentrated global corporate power is.

By reviewing Franko's works, the paper is also able to find out how the mergers of companies have an impact on the issue. Franko's article helps in answering key questions related to the research. It does this by assessing corporate turnover and concentration in around 18 global industrial units since the 1950s. Franko's research is also useful because of the fact that it identifies monopolies enjoyed by industries as being transient. It explains how the monopoly-like advantages were gained mainly with the help of internal growth. In addition, Franko's article also refers to the industry -de-concentration that took place between 1960 and 1970 after Europeans and Japanese businesses sought to level the playing field and challenged the corporate hegemony of America.

Various theories expounded in 'The shifting mergers & acquisitions landscape' have also helped in the establishment of main ideas in the paper. This article has been particularly useful in the paper, mainly because it important aspects that essentially define the past as well as the future of marketing and advertising. In this article, Garai lends a thought on the primary issues that big companies and multinational corporations will face in the future.

In this particular article, Garai (2000) discusses about the current trends in acquisitions and mergers in the market. Apart from this, Garai also explores how transformations take place in the temperament of corporate bodies at the time of acquisitions and mergers. The numerous factors that typically serve to help in the extension of the marketing and advertising cycle are also covered in the article while Garai also explores the numerous challenges that businesses are confronted with in the field of marketing and advertising. Lastly, Garai seeks to define the changes in corporate governance as a result of global mergers between ...
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