Literature Review

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Literature Review

Literature Review


It is been observed that over the past twenty years, states have speedily stimulated to introduce systems of assessments and standards. In high schools, federal legislation is authorizing to enhance the interests and affect of state exams. Most of the states are conducting high school exams for the purpose of postsecondary, despite the fact that the standard and content strength of these exams is not well documented for the post-high school. The study examined that content of tests are related to a set of standards for getting successful entry-level courses university. It has been reviewed from twenty states that 60 English and math assessments were examined along a number of position proportions. The exams are found to be reasonably associated with division of university standards, but in rough manner. In the future times, States must be using high school exams for the purpose of postsecondary, most likely to analyze the standards of content and their relation to the promptness of college criterions. The augment of state academic learning assessment and standards process has been witnessed from last two decades.

Literature Review

According to Commission on the Skills of the American Work Force (1990), the earlier purpose of these assessments and standards was to institute great expectations for the students to ensure them that they were equipped to be fruitful citizens, who are ready to adopt the challenges of the swiftly varying world. Most of the people in higher education were surprised when the chief state school officers and states governors declared their purposes to approve common standards for American high schools that aim at college willingness. It raises certain questions in mind that after many years, high schools are preparing their students for college entrance. It forces to think about the reasons, as lots of complains were already in pending and the leaders declared that it is their responsibility to prepare student for colleges. According to Keller (2005), number of states is considering the association betwixt college admission and exams, financial aid and placement decisions. For instance, a student entirely dumps the exams of his high school and takes the help from ACT “American College Test”, and uses the results to find out the winners of state scholarships as well as for No Child Left Behind requirements. Washington and Florida allow an elected score on the SAT “Scholastic Assessment Test”, which can be replacement for the high school exam or components ...
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