Literature Review

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Literature Review

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Literature Review


The stories presented by Mariama Ba and Buchi Emecheta, in the 'So Long a Letter' and the 'Joys of motherhood' respectively, depict the struggles and the adversities experienced by the African women. Polygamy has a strong link in the history of the various countries in the African continent, and it has been responsible for subjecting countless African women to live their lives in agony. Both of the stories present the woeful tale experienced by women, who had been betrayed by the hands of their polygamist husbands. The men in the African society had the right to take as many women as wives, regardless the age or the consent of the young women. Most of the times the young girls who married the older men, did so because of the immense pressures from their families. The household environment caused several issues in the household environments, as the multiple brides formed a conflicting and aggressive relationship (Champagne, 1996). The older wives had no guarantees that their rights would be respected and delivered by their husbands, and they were afraid that these men would someday return home with newer wives.

Both of these stories show the struggles faced by the women, by the hands of their ungrateful husbands, who proceeded to marry multiple times. These stories also highlight another significant social dilemma in the African society; which is the issue of over population. The men regardless of their financial conditions or the number of wives they already possessed were only interested in having as many children as possible. They did not care how difficult it was for the women to care for their extensive families, and the hardships faced by the children themselves. The men in the society had the right to do whatever they pleased, and the role of the women was confined by quietly listening to their husbands and actively supporting all of their decisions. The role of the women was very submissive and various norms of the society and the religious factors, ensured that the dominance of the males is maintained.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Conformity

The Religious, Societal and Cultural Suppression of Women

In a society where the role of the women is subjected to a purely submissive and secondary to that of the males, the women have very few opportunities. It is in their best interests to accept their roles, and subject themselves to live a life as secondary citizens (Sarvan, 1988). In the story 'So Long a Letter', the character of Ramatoulaye is subjected to suffer the decisions made by her husband. She is faithfully married to her husband for more than 20 years, and has also provided him twelve healthy children. She did not expect that her husband would even think about betraying her and taking on a second wife, but she is disgusted to know that her husband married a nineteen year old girl. Ramatoulaye who is a 50 year old school teacher knew that her husband had completely betrayed her trust, and ...
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