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Conduct of Understanding

Conduct of Understanding


“In this we may see the reason why some men of study and thought that reason right and are lovers of truth do make no great advances in their discoveries of it. Error and truth are uncertainly blended in their minds; their decisions are lame and defective, and they are very often mistaken in their judgments; the reason whereof is, they converse but with one sort of men, they read but one sort of books, they will not come in the hearing but of one sort of notions”


In the above paragraph the author has discussed the conduct of understanding of people who are stuck between right and wrong, and has divided the impact of their understanding into four parts

Lovers of truth

In the first part of the paragraph the author is criticizing the truth speaking qualities of a certain people who are stuck between the truth and right and cannot move away with them, the author feels that no doubt that it is essential for human being to speak truth and do right work but there are certain level in the life where one has to move away from the path of truth and right for its own benefits or some time for the benefits of the others, but kind of peoples who intends to lead their lives on the path of truth no matter what happens will definitely earn the respect of others but are remain way below the race because of their good habit which of no reason has turn against him

The author further elaborates that the basic reason of the discoveries made by these people are not achieving the success of light despite being very effectives and helpful for the people in their respective field is because of their never ending attitude of compromising on the level of truth, this attitude is becoming a major of concern for these people because in this regard they are not going anywhere, staying where they were before and will remain there for more period if does not made any change, the author does not want to mislead people of not to speak truth he is just trying to tell them for little benefits there is no harm in moving away from the right way especially is this matter is not hurting the sentiments of others.

Error and truth has blended their mind

Moving forward the author is ...
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