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Everyone knows the use of reason in the boundary between the real and the unreal, between what is possible from what is not. However, when writing a story, the author has the freedom to do away with that limit. Nothing prevents the writer to create characters, situations and settings completely unrealistic, but we make one wonder, what is the meaning of the stories with fictitious events? These accounts correspond to a need to escape the everyday world, too vulgar and devoid of surprises, make us dream of a world where anything is possible. From this back to the author, presents us with the dilemma of how to classify these stories. They have adopted three types of classification for the stories to events unreal, fantastic, weird and wonderful. Then, we will develop these three classifications, in order to make clear differences between each of them.

Magic and fantasy has been an interest of various authors, many stories written in style of magic realism (for features of realist writings see appendix). In this style, concepts of magic incorporated along with achievable concepts. Both concepts merged in the text to current concepts in fantasy to capture the attention of reader throughout the text. In magic realism style, it is difficult to differentiate between fantasy and reality as the emphasis placed on maximizing the value of concept while presenting individual plots in the story. Magic realism enhances the concept of reality by highlighting magic, myth, and astonishing attention taking phenomena in natural theme that other mode of realism are unable to present. These arguments, however, like that of Kuhn, called into question, at least implicitly, the epistemic privilege of meta-practices such as philosophy and social science. As a response to this contest between what is sometimes referred to as rationalism and relativism, philosophical realism has been invoked in a number of fields, including social science, ethics, literature, and legal theory. The arguments of the philosopher John Searle are typical of these concerns. Although Searle has advanced a detailed account of the unique character of what he designates as mind-dependent social facts, he has insisted that such facts are constructed on the foundation of a mind-independent reality in terms of which they can be both explained and judged. Two principal, and related, examples of the turn to realism in political inquiry are the work of those who endorse what is often referred to as critical realism and those who wish to adopt realism as a meta-theory of international relations.

Discussion and Analysis

The 'particular sadness of lemon cake' written by Annie Bender presents unique, visionary perspectives towards magic and reality principles. The story revolves around a girl and series of events that typically captures the attention of readers due to the uniqueness of magical capabilities in contrast to reality. The girl named as Mr. Healey in the story own the power of reading people's intention, not in a manner of reading people's mind through magic but through distinctive capabilities inborn in nature, (Bender, 6). Concept that makes the story special is the unique capability of girl to analyze what people intend and ...
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