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The Hidden Connection

Goals of the Book2

The Nature of Life3

The Santiago Theory of Cognition5

Social Reality & Social Network7

Extending the Systems Approach8

Organization & Change9

Organization in an economy10

Economic Globalization10

Consequences of Globalization11


An Ecological Alternative12

The Role of NGO'S13




The Hidden Connection

Goals of the Book

The book of Capra is about the communities and networks to which he demonstrates the term “connections.” The hidden connection is the masterpiece of Capra in which he presents all cosmic networks that forms society, life and mind. The author of the book went beyond his profession as he was a renowned physicist and searched the analogs between Buddhist and quantum mechanics, Hindu and Taoist thought. He explored the nexus of social science “The Web of Life” for demonstrating the importance of complexity, chaos and Gaian theories to society and philosophy. He expands “In the Hidden Connections” that the analysis of social science connects the new concepts that come from neurobiology, genetics, and brain research. He understands the cosmos and the natural society of law which should follow it if humanity wants to continue its existence. This book provides a penetrating analysis of different systems, such as an economic system, a social system, an ecological system and any sort of system that has the connection with life. In this book, Capra defines that view of the systems is organic and holistic, whereas conservative thinking is simply mechanical and reductionist. People usually consider systems as cognitive and living networks which are designed for purposes and values. On the other hand, most of the people consider complex system as a collection of components. There is a difference in systems that responds to the information, such as mechanical system merely acts as per the instruction of domain, whereas living system response to the meaning in the information. The author says that it is very difficult to mould the culture of biggest corporations. It is important to know that management consultants can mechanically redesign the chart of organization. The reactions of the outer perturbation are organically irregular which builds the consultants, but usually frustrate them.

The book “Hidden Connections” portrays an excellent introduction to systems science in the first part. In the second half of the book, Capra displays his way to find organic instead of mechanical fixes which has caused many sufferings to our planet. He further explained that genetically modified harvests are good to grow and mentions that technologists had promised that people could resolve the problems of pest and food shortages. But the author clears that it is not something that gives the accurate way to go. He mentioned that the results of biotech experiments are not easy to understand, but it can present a technical issue which could be inherently impossible. Therefore, genetically modified (GM) are duly treading as it is a wrong mechanical conception of nature. He also displays how deregulation of trade has removed legal brakes and local culture on the money power. He neatly presents how values except profit are rapidly bared out from the system and making people less protective ...
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