
Read Complete Research Material


Part B and Part C

Part B

Timely and timeously.

John and Anne were living in their home town. Suddenly, Anne's father got ill and no one informed about her father's illness. Luckily, Anne received a letter TIMELY from her Aunt, Jane. She timeously informed the couple for the better treatment of Anne's father.

Acronym and initialism. Provide an example of each.

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)Acronym

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) initialism

Effect (verb), affect (verb), and effect (noun). Indicate in which sense you are using the word in each sentence.

Alcohol badly affects (v) human health, as its side effects (n) are dangerous for kidneyand lung function. However, doctors have identified the effects (n) of alcohol on mental health as more sensitive and disastrous problem.

Accepted and Excepted

Before signing an employment letters, I accepted the terms and condition of ABC Company, which included entire policies of the firm. Later on, I was asked to fill a questionnaire related to my job. I filled all maximum checks with right tick, except one that was not allowing the gratuity to employees.

Extend and extent.

John and Alice planned for a picnic on Tuesday with their children. On some extent, their money was enough for enjoying at best, but still could not fulfil the wishes of a family. On Monday, weather experts forecasted that Tuesday will be the day of heavy rain; therefore, the family had to extend their plan.

Assume, suppose and surmise

Common public accidents caused by building operations occur more regularly than usuallysupposed. Normally, people assume that accidents rarely happen in one's life, but we cannot surmise such prediction.

Respond and Response.

A man responded very kindly when his wife asked for making delicious food for his parents. This response was quite obvious as husband always feel good for his parents care. Usually we find conflicts between husband n wives over this issue.

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