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A)Attract The Maximum Number Of Students

It is important to understand that when attracting students to engineering studies, the desirable goal is to attract not only students, but the most highly-motivated and well-qualified applicants. Attracting new students is a challenge for many institutions. How can you differentiate your institution? How can you effectively target students while keeping within your budgets? How can you ensure that they get engaged with your institution before they even accept a place?

They deployed rich media such as podcasts, e-books and training videos to help students overcome exam anxiety and better prepare for assessments. School also plans to introduce SafeAssign for plagiarism checking thus reducing the strain on educators. Its success is clearly visible with its best ever results in Diplomas and A-level qualifications (Hoffman, 2004).

The school learning environment is one of the key elements in the success of student learning. With this institution, you can be sure that you are offering a cutting edge technology solution to facilitate teaching and learning at your institution. Student will have an online learning solution that helps them receive a high quality experience in course delivery, examinations, reporting and grading. Students can add this service to their Mobile Learn Software, to get learning materials and give them the flexibility to learn on the go.

B)Ronsard, Pierre de

As page, then squire, Ronsard seemed destined for a career at court both in France and abroad. However, deafness turned him to a more secluded and studious life at the Collège de Coqueret where he became leader of the Pléiade (see under Pleiad). Named poet royal, he wrote a great number of poems on many themes, especially patriotism, love, and death: sonnets on Petrarch, odes after Pindar and Horace, elegies, eclogues, and songs. Of his love poems the best-known appear in Sonnets pour ...
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