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This is an analysis of the John Locke that has been done and it describes the two different analysis based on methodological approaches. The two approaches that will be described are traditional and contextual approach. There are many insightful philosophers such as John Locke who have come up with political ideas. This paper talks about the two perceptive which enable us to know about the traditional approach and the contextual approach in the political arena. Locke is of the opinion that the humans are usually peaceful in nature and this is the reason why they do not tease others and he was also of the opinion that the humans have contractual relations with the government officials as well as the other citizens. According to the traditional approach, the government must formulate laws as well as regulations in order to ensure that the society is free from criminal activities; however, Locke was of the opinion that the citizens as well as the leaders who lead a country can enjoy their rights but they must not harm the people in the society. John Locke was a pre-Enlightenment thinker; however, his ideology influenced the next period of the Enlightenment, also known as the "Age of Reason (Zinn1990, pp. 10).


Political power refers to the power that is given to the leaders who rule a country. By this, it can be said that the government has the power and since the rules are made by them, the people have to follow them. With regrads to the traditional approch, the people had to follow traditional rules and everything that was defined. However, the contextual approach that has been used by Locke says that the citizens should be given freedom and they should be allowed to do what they want to under certain limits. According to Locke, the state must not possess arbitrary, absolute powers over the lives and property of the civilians, yet its mandate must seek the public good and be democratic. This is because this defines the rights of the people who should live freely, but it was argued by him that there are people in the state of nature. For him, it is important for the govenrments tio be formed in the way that he has suggested (Redhead 1995, pp. 100).

Modern macroeconomics has changed profoundly neoclassical our understanding of the political economy. With the addition of the intertemporal approach and the introduction of the hypothesis of rational expectations in models macroeconomic, this literature has laid the foundations for a newtheory of economic policy. As a result of these theoretical developments started in the 70's, the pillars of conventional wisdom about the design , capabilities and limitations of economic policy needs to be reviewed. Traditionally, the politcaal arena was very much differnet from what it is in the world today, and this is because of the way in which strategies were formulated. Therefore, the approch that was being followed tradiitonal differed from the contextual approch and this is the reaosn why Locke's viewpoints differed from ...
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