Literary Criticism In The Medieval Period-Plato

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Literary Criticism in the Medieval Period-Plato

Literary Criticism in the Medieval Period-Plato

The field of interdisciplinary study known as “law and literature” brings the two fields of “law” and “literature” (or literary studies) together to engender new scholarly insights. Today, scholars regard law and literature as a discrete academic field, though the degree of convergence among scholarly contributions in terms of broad sources is undercut by the divergence in topics and methods.

Plato attacks poetry as imitation, fake high school and training as well. Around the same time, Bharata Muni in his Natya Shastra, he wrote literary criticism in literature and theater ancient India Sanskrit.

Later, classical and medieval criticism often focused on religious texts, and various religious traditions of hermeneutics and textual exegesis have had a profound influence on the study of secular texts. This was the case of the literary traditions of the three Abrahamic religions: Jewish literature, Christian literature and Islamic literature.

Literary criticism was also used in other forms of medieval Arabic literature and Arabic poetry from the ninth century, in particular Al-Jahiz in al-Bayan wa-'l-tabyin and Hayawan, and Abdallah Ibn al-Mu ' tazz in his Kitab al-Badi.

Aside from the examination of such readily discernible themes, law and literature studies provide a wide sweep of scholarship. When combined with an additional analytical perspective, such as history, politics, economics, ethics, rights, race, psychology, linguistics, or feminist or cultural studies, for example, research may yield insights not necessarily tied to an overt manifestation of the law in literature.

Considered the most important work of Plato, the Republic has been studied as a seminal text of Western philosophical and literary canon. In this group of philosophical dialogues, Plato uses a form of prose conversation to explore the nature of society, trying to define the characteristics of an ideal society, or a republic. Inspired by the teachings of his mentor, Socrates, Plato in the Republic the theory that the answer to the ills of society is not in the reform of political systems, but in the adoption of the philosophical principles as guidelines. To implement and monitor these principles in society, Plato proposed the creation of what he calls philosophers rule individuals who lead society in an ethical existence based on predetermined principles set out in the Republic. In addition to the Republic of Plato, who founded and ran an academy in Athens for many years, wrote a number of other dialogues as well as numerous letters. Due to the influence of the ideas expressed in various dialogues, including the Republic, Plato has come to occupy a key position in the history of Western philosophy and is often called the father of philosophical idealism. It is also hailed as a pre-eminent prose stylist and the Republic is considered one of the most exemplary texts in this genre praised for its craftsmanship and poetic qualities.

Indeed, the profound concern with such issues signals the use of the term literary jurisprudence to indicate this field of scholarship, as opposed to the loose association indicated ...
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