While retaining many of the novel in the themes and motifs in the cinematic version of one flew over the cuckoo nest differs in several important ways. The film is also noted in his cast ? which includes early cinematic appearances on such later respected actors like Brad Dourif (Billy Bibbit) ? Christopher Lloyd (Taber) and Danny DeVito (Martini). Other actors include real hospital superintendent ? Dr. Dean Brooks (Doctor Spivey) ? Will Sampson (Chief Bromden) ? Sydney Lassick (Charlie Cheswick) ? Mary Minor (Candy Starr) ? and William Redfield (Dale Harding). (Huffman 10-189)
The most notable differences between the film and the novel is a story point of view. In the novel ? Chief Bromden is the narrator who reveals the history of the battle of wills between Nurse Ratched and Randle Patrick McMurphy. In fact ? the main argue is a new character ? which is the most noticeable change in the novel. (Chuck 12-120)
In the cinematic version of the release of the chief ? as a story teller in ? removes the background of the story and its chief character relegates to the second - albeit important - the character McMurphy. In the film ? McMurphy ? of course ? a hero. Head delusional episode witnessed domestic work and factory fog machines are eliminated in favor of scenes in the film says that omnisciently expand McMurphy and his origin ? as well as to expand its charitable nature. In addition ? the supervisor eventually becomes fully communicative murmuring in the novel ? but one phrase - "Juicy Fruit" - in the film. This explains how McMurphy can cause head along on fishing trips in the novel ? not described in detail in the film. (Huffman 10-189)
The film also softens McMurphy more undesirable behavior in this book. Instead ? ...