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Creative Literacy Practices

Creative Literacy Practices


In the past three or four decades, the main focus of teaching and learning English was through simple reading and writing. The recent development in many parts of the world has brought curricular development in language and have brought a renewal attention to learning and teaching about language. The unembellished meaning of literacy is using the written language as mean of communication. The common activities of literacy are reading and writing. In addition to reading and writing few modern modes of literacy have been adopted such as the use of non- linguistic representation in the form of symbols and pictures and the use of multimodal languages. Nowadays the studies of literacy are carried out in various academic disciplines, applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology and education. There are various characteristics of literacy studies such as focus on cognitive functioning and individual's perceptual , analysis for the modes of teaching and writing and of written texts and an interest in researching ways to learn and write.

Creative Perspective of Literacy Practices

There is a creative element in all literacy practices. Creative literacy practices are just the creative ways people use to interact with each other using text in a particular context. Interestingly, a literacy practice is more about the relationship between the texts and the people within the context that they share. The objective and the idea of literacy practices can be determined in the form of written activity between the people. It has been observed that creativity in the literacy practices can be found among the most unlikely group and at the most unlikely places. Hence, creativity can be explored in our everyday literacy's. Much of the creativity can be identified in our daily life work and routine in the form of repetitive and mundane acts of text use and production. Creativity in the usage and production of the text can only be identified when we look beyond the text and try to examine the practices that have been used to make the text.

In a learner centered community, the basic aim of all education centers is to increase the provision of good literacy practices in our daily life learning. Various strategies of learning, reading and writing are used as a fundamental ingredient in recognizing the complex nature of literature and enhance good literature learning.

Creativity in Everyday Literacy Practices

Numerous works in the past decade have been done with an attempt to bring creativity in the everyday literacy practices. The main idea of creativity was to bring new practices that can develop new modes of interaction and language use. Among the many new practices some special work that contributed a lot in discovering and developing creativity in linguistic and literacy practices are as following;

Literacy and Globalization - Uta Papen

The research work of Uta Papen belongs to the field of linguistic anthropology. The main idea of Uta Papen research was to make an attempt and determine the role of literacy both reading and writing in relation to the institution and ...
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