Linguistic Analysis

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Linguistic Analysis

Table of Contents


Discussion Analysis4



Test Description5

Result Analysis Method6

Application of Reference by Learner6

Application of Demonstrative References by Learner7

Application of Personal References of Learner8

Application of Conjunctions by Learner9

Application of Additive Cohesive Devices by Learner10

Application of temporal cohesive devices by Learners11

Application of adversative Cohesive Devices of Learner12

Application of Causal Cohesive devices by Learner13

Application of Ellipsis by Learner13

Application of verbal ellipsis by Learner14

Application of Nominal ellipsis by Learner14

Application of Clausal Ellipsis of Learner15

Application of Substitution by Learner15

Application of Verbal Substitution by Learner16

Application of Nominal substitution by Learner16

Application of Clausal Substitution by Learner17



Linguistic Analysis


The objective of this paper is to critically appraise whether the students are familiar with the usages of the grammatical cohesive devices (GCD) which is emerging as an essential and significant element in the essay writing. The paper also aims to explore the importance of implications of GCD within the grammatical classes with an aim to sharpening and honing the writing skills of the students with the class settings. Bearing these objectives in the mind, this paper would critically analyze the hypothesis of the study from the results of tests of essay of students. The primary objective of these tests would to identify the notions of implications of GCD in the essay writing with an importance of grammatical usages by the non-native speakers of English language course. Further, based this assumption, the research paper would critically appraise the weak links and disadvantages of GCD classes and how their wrong usages could be easily noticeable that could significantly raise the concerns for the entire significance of implication and basic usage of such devices. Moreover, few of the (GCD) are extensively used but in a non suitable manner; and few of them are used on lesser extent but appropriately. It should be noticed in each kind of (GCD) employed there is always a dominant device. The paper is designed to investigate the actual relation with the analysis of student's discourse. It should be analysed that every piece of discourse need to be extended in a way that assures its cohesion.

Discussion Analysis

From the many years, the researchers of the English language and linguists were strongly concerned with the concept of the examination through which it is conducted within the single sentences where the focus of attention of such examinations were based on the areas of morphology and phonology. Later on, this attention got changed to the sentence level by the transformational Generative Grammar of Chomsky (1957). However, this evaluation was still not enough as it usually centred on the notions of general properties of language that is taught but instead centred primarily on attaining the significant and true meaning of language (Coulthard, 1977).

In the year of 1989, Cook declared that linguists are now aware with the use of language and context function. Afterwards, this awareness was introduced by the paper of Harris with the title of “Discourse Analysis” published in the year of 1952. The paper has gained the significant attention with regard to the use of language and context function however ...
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