Line Leader Programme

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Line Leader Programme

Line Leader Programme

Explain the importance of making effective and efficient use of people's knowledge and skills while planning a team's work to achieve objectives.

“All in all, if one sought to design a lifestyle which was destructive of the individual, the way that business has structured itself would seem to be almost ideal” (Jones, 1987, pp. 385).

It is very important to evaluate people's knowledge and skills in the workplace so that effective and efficient use can be made of their abilities, in order to drive the team towards achieving their goals. If the task is designated to the person who is an expert in that particular field, then the rate of productivity will be high and the worker will be more enthusiastic about performing well. If people are allocated work in a systematic manner then they get to learn and develop on their skills. However, if they aren't given any direction then it will be difficult for them to improvise on their capabilities.

Nowadays, multi-tasking is becoming essential as people have to look after multiple things at one time. For example, the job of a university's Vice-Chancellor is not just to look after the workings of the university, but also to motivate employees for team building, promote flexibility, manage external environment factors' impact on the university, communicate with respective authorities and handle institutional politics. He is also responsible for building relationships within the top hierarchy and beyond, signifying that his work is certainly not limited to a particular domain (Bryman, 2007, pp. 253). If the person has the abilities required and instills them in other members of the team then it will make team work easier and goals will be achieved quickly.

Explain how to identify the appropriate person for an activity in the workplace.

It is crucial to analyse all the aspects of the job in order to identify the person best suited for it. For this purpose, the employer would want to first interview the employee or conduct a structured written questionnaire in order to highlight what tasks the employee is best at doing. Observation is also one way to evaluate what work can be best done by whom. Individual workers might be assigned tasks to observe who does them with most proficiency and within lesser time (Gatewood, 2011, pp. 26).

Kaizen is a combination of two Japanese words 'kai' and 'zen' meaning 'change for the better'. Lean was initially started to improve manufacturing processes only but it has diverged out to other departments such as that of human resource, customer service, purchasing and sales. Now it is not just limited to one industry but has expanded to include the education industry, hospitals, government and financial institutions. Kaizen events now take place that make it easier to identify the right person for the right job because they give everyone a chance to speak out their mind, discuss the difficulties, review documents and indulge in problem-solving. The advantage of these events is this that the team gets ...
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