Limitations In The Research

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Limitations in the Research

Limitations in the Research


Research is an essential part of the scientific study. This systematic investigation requires a detailed study. While performing and documenting a study, the researchers hold the prime duty of considering every element of the study. The conclusions and future implications based on an important factor of the study are limitation. Identifying the limitations of the study is an essential part and these limitations have a high impact on interpretation of the results of the conducted research or study.

This document has taken the limitations of the study as its prime focus and explains the responsibility of the researchers in identification of the limitations. The assignment further provided with an example of limitation, for the article called “Implementation of Clinical guidelines for adults with Asthma and Diabetes: a Three-year follow-up evaluation of nursing care” taken from the “journal of clinical nursing”.



The limitations are the characteristics of the study that have a high influence on the primary purpose of the study, including the research methodology and interpretation of end results. The limitations endows with the critical review of the subject by providing the flaws of the research (University of Southern California, 2013). These limitations of a research are of varying degrees, depending on the methodologies, the conduction of the study, barriers like language and socio-economic barriers, and lack of authentic sources.

Responsibility of Researchers in Identifying Limitations

Identification and evaluation of limitations is an important step of the study. The researchers need to be extremely conscious when it comes to evaluation of the limitations. The readers will judge the results in the light of these limitations as the lacking of the study, and essential guidelines for the future studies.

Every study has some significant points. The results depend on these features. The limitations primarily recognize the shortcomings and gaps in ...
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