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Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning


The considerations of ANA for the scope of practice include the self determination, laws associated to the states, procedures and policies of the institute, professional accountability, practice standards and concerns regarding management of risks. A nurse must know the entire situation and should be able to answer all the questions that cover the scope of practice. The scope of practice depends on the qualification level as well as the specialty of the practice (ANA, 2013).


ANA`s Scope of Practice

As a nursing practitioner, my scope of practice encompasses all the activities of the registered nurse proposed by ANA. I work in the long-term care hospital for the geriatric patients. My scope of nursing practice includes the prescription writing and health management of the patient via the process of assessment, diagnosis, educating and advocating the clients (Jones and Bartlett, n.d). I provide the facilities to patients in both chronic and acute illness conditions. Moreover, I usually use my research expertise in order to evaluate the better care plan for the elderly patients in hospital. According to the criteria, the involvement f the physician in prescribing drugs is crucial. Therefore, after writing the prescription, I contact to the physician for verification and safe health care stipulation. The central objective is the provision of safe, legal and ethical health care services to the patient in order to enhance their quality life.

Nurse Practice Act

The act of nurse practice in each region of the United States has defined the laws, responsibilities, limitations and standards for the nurses. It describes the functions and qualification concerning the nursing practice. The purpose of this act is to facilitate the protected services to patients and prevent the chances of harms resulting from incompetent, unqualified and unsafe practice. There are boards situated in each state to comply the nurse practice act of the state as well as to assure the implementation of these laws (ANA, 2012).

Legal Standards for Nursing in Ohio

In accordance of the legal standards, the nurse practitioner is only allowed for the provision of restricted functions associated to his own competence. In this regard, I follow the standard procedure of identification of the service depending on the risks allied to patient condition. The accurate decision making, assessment of the patient`s condition and management of the expected potential harms must be simultaneously observed (ANA, 2005). The reporting of the novel health issues to the officials of the government is the obligatory requirement of the Ohio state (ONA, 2010). This step is very helpful in evaluating the adverse drug reactions in geriatric patients. The critical aspect, I have observed, is dose adjustment as the normal adult dose may produce the life threatening effects in the older age patients.

As working in the state of Ohio, it is mandatory for the nurses to continue the nursing education. The renewal of the license is required after every two years, and for this renewal the continuation of education is necessary. Therefore, I have accomplished twenty four hours of education that ...
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