Lifelong Learning

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Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning


Developmental Disorders constitute a large group of syndromes, with common characteristics, but with symptoms quite heterogeneous. They are caused by a biologically determined developmental disorder, with the onset in the first year of life. The areas concerned are primarily behavioral, those relating to social interaction with each other, the ability to communicate ideas and feelings and the ability to establish relationships with others.



Qualitative Impairment in Social Contact

1.Failure to develop peer relationships

2. Marked impairment in the use of various behaviors non-verbal cues such as direct gaze, facial expression, body postures, gestures to regulate social interaction

3. Lack of social or emotional reciprocity

4.Lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people, for example, not showing, bringing, or draw attention to objects interest.

Patterns of Activities, Behavior and Interests

1.Adherence to nonfunctional rituals or routines

2.Preoccupying with one or more types of interests. Being restricted, repetitive and stereotyped

3. Preoccupation with some specific parts of objects

4.Repetitive motor mannerisms

Early Intervention

It is important to recognize the differences between early intervention and treatment of disability. The former starts early, first signs occur in the first months of life, the latter refers to the actions developed in the disabled patient established with clinical evolution and a prolonged time. Practice shows that the clinical manifestations of a disabling process have no fixed age debut, some start earlier, and others later but generally limits the use of the term. Early intervention actions take place in the disabled child at risk of being affected by a significant developmental delay in preschool. Early intervention is closely linked to development monitoring, the presence of a health system to assess the child and potentially detect cases early in the disability carriers. It routinely uses standardized tests and specialized consultations. Aids are available in early intervention centers, special education practices and in social pediatric centers. First, a diagnosis is made by a specialist. This is typically created based on a home visit and detailed discussions with the parents. The same place also helps further in applying for early intervention. Early intervention is in general, a term that refers to the processing of disability in preschool (Paul, 2002). There are various institutions, and working methods designed to provide this care. Early Intervention is a form of treatment, which leaves the field of specialty, goes further to special education or primary health care to cover everything that can influence the development of the disabled child. Education can be provided in a regular classroom. It can also be done in a special resource room in a regular school. The resource room can serve with a group of children with similar needs, meeting for assistance. However, one can teach children who need intensive intervention in a particular school environment. In addition, the teacher usually is specially trained to help children with special educational needs. Children spend their time in a particular room and for non-intellectual activities such as music or gymnastics, or educational activities, they join mainstream ...
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