Life Transition To Become A Mother

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Life Transition to become a Mother

Life Transition to become a Mother


Transition is the integral part of life, and every person in the society faces it in different forms. Some transitions are the general in nature which every individual faces like the change in body shape, change in relationships, change in seasons and so on. On the contrary, there are some transitions which are personal and vary from people to people. Among all transitions, to become a mother is one of the most challenging and life changing event. It brings modest social and economic changes which require a mother to play not only the role of protector, but also a nurse and reply all his desires and wishes.


There is no doubt that after becoming a mother, life changes and a number of things are affected. Some changes are adjustable, and some are difficult to adjust especially for those mothers who have the first baby in the cradle.

Predictable components of transition

After becoming a mother, the social life of mother becomes very much limited. After child, she has less time to spend with the friends, colleagues, mates and relatives. It is observed that after child, “sense of duty” develops in the woman.In 2011, , a survey was revealed which says, there were 40 percent of women with children, who were the only or chief source of household income. After becoming a mom, the expenses of household are also increased. It is because of increase in the special stuff e.g. nappies, baby toys, car seat, stroller, feeding bottles, baby shampoo, oil, sponge etc. On an average, a baby of 0-2 years requires $12,500 to 14,500. This shows that the economic burden of becoming a mother is growing particularly in those households where women are the only source of income.

In addition, after becoming a mother, housework is also increased. In urban areas and higher income families, midwives are kept before, during and the postpartum period. The females of lower class families have to care all things themselves. Moreover, the divorcee or those women who are self-dependent, have to do the job as well as manage the affairs of home. For these women, it is predictable that life would become hard-hitting after giving birth to a baby.

Predictable components of transition

Besides predictable, there are some unpredictable changes also occur which women are not expecting. It is because of the illiteracy about the changing factors or unexpected environmental issues which arise in the wake of child.

Owing to hormonal changes during pregnancy and after delivery, a number of mental changes are experienced by women. Swings in mood, angry, depression, sleeping disorder are the most common. Although these changes are common, but most of the women are unknown about them.

Like emotional changes, there are some physical and health changes which also happen after the birth. The females of younger age are not easily adjusting and are frequently consulting with gynecologists. The most changes are the body ache, breast changes, nasal problem, skin changes, vomiting, frequency and leakage of urinary and morning ...