Life Of Sinclair

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Life of Sinclair

Throughout his development from a boy to a man, Sinclair faces challenges along the way that test his morals and family values. He soon encounters the two different realms of beliefs and ideas- the realms of light and dark. (Michels: 133-138)

In his youth, the boundaries set forth by his parents created an innocent child, protected from the dangers of this outside world. This "light" side was "a realm of brilliance, clarity, and cleanliness, gentle conversation, washed hands, clean clothes, and good manners". Such an orderly lifestyle thus created a conscience in Sinclair that was centered around the importance of love, wisdom, and honesty. However, because of his maturation and development into a teenager, Sinclair conscience soon begins to clash a new way of life that encompasses a mixture of intriguing, menacing, and mysterious things.

Sinclair's initial experience with this "dark side" is in his youth when he wants to be seen as a man and therefore lies. Trying to impress Franz Kromer and other boys, Sinclair invents a long tale about robbery he has committed, which later gets him into a difficult and troubling situation. Furthermore, the "dark side" of Sinclair begins to appear when he dreams of him killing his father. Such an ominous idea would never have been thought of in his childhood and proves his loss of innocence. (Field: 145-157)

The two opposing realms are also present in his lifestyle and thoughts in his college years. Sinclair's decisions to attend parties and drink resemble the dark side and eventually lead him into becoming an alcoholic. These dark tendencies begin to disappear once he discovers Beatrice. Although he never talks with her, it is apparent that she brings out the best in him because of the change of his actions and personality. Beatrice is clearly the cause of ...
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