Life Expectancy In The United States

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Why isn''t the life expectancy in the United States higher?

Why is not the Life Expectancy in the United States Higher?

Life expectancy is a term employed to statistically describe the average length of time a person within a given human population, such as a particular country or time period, lives from birth until death. Like other tools for determining the nature of demography, the measuring of life expectancy rates is sensitive to various factors (Riley, 2007). As a consequence, it can be calculated in different ways. For example, life expectancy may be measured without utilizing the infant mortality rate—this form of calculating life expectancy is commonly employed within nations that suffer from high child mortality levels.

Average life spans are longer today than in the past, thanks to modern technology and scientific understanding of disease. Increased wealth and improvements in standards of living have also led to better diets, making humans healthier and less susceptible to particular diseases than in prior times in many parts of the world (Yi, 2006).

Of the total federal expenditures in 1995, Social Security together with Medicare(federally founded health program aimed at helping the elderly, founded in 1965) was the largest, accounting for about 34 percent. In 2005 this figure is predicted to be as high as 39 percent. This is caused by the 'graying' of America and the increased number of elderly who will collect benefits for a longer portion of their lives, coupled with a reduction of the number of workers available to pay for their benefits. Increasing costs of living and higher standards of living (as reflected in higher wages) also are consequences (Manuck, 2007).

In short, if no action is taken in the interim, by approximately 2013 the federal government will have to raise taxes, increase the debt, print more ...
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