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Classical Liberalism

Liberalism is a philosophical , economic and political , which promotes civil liberties and opposes any form of despotism , appealing to republican principles . It is the power that is based on both the rule of law , such as representative democracy and the separation of powers .

Advocates primarily by:

The development of individual freedoms and, from them, the progress of society .

The establishment of a rule of law , where all people are equal before the law , without privileges or distinctions, in compliance with a very minimal framework of laws that protect the liberties and welfare of the people(Ely, 1992).

Liberalism emerged from the struggle against absolutism , partly inspiring the organization of a rule of law with limited powers -that ideally would reduce government functions to security, justice and public works, and subjected to a constitution , which allowed the emergence of liberal democracy during the eighteenth century , still in force today in many nations today, especially in the West . By promoting economic freedom , liberalism stripped of economic regulations of absolutism to companies where he applied, allowing the natural development of the market economy and the progressive rise of capitalism .

Liberalism normally includes two interrelated aspects: social and economic. The social liberalism is the application of liberal principles in the political life of individuals, such as non-interference of the state or the collective private behavior of citizens and in their social relationships, existing full freedom of expression and religion as well as the different types of social relationships consensual, moral, etc..

This refusal would (provided it is subject to approval by popular vote using figures as referendums or public consultations, as always prevails liberalism within the rule of law and a democratic state it takes its best with the figure of suffrage ) consumption legalizing drugs , free passage, non-regulation of marriage by the state (ie, it is reduced to a private contract like any other, may be thus employed by any partner) The liberalization of education, etc.. Of course, there are plenty of liberalism defending currents varying intensity with different proposals.

The economic liberalism is the application of liberal principles in the material development of individuals, such as non-interference of the state in commercial relationships between citizens, boosting tax cuts to a minimum and reducing regulation on trade and milk yield. According to liberal ideology, non-state intervention ensures a level playing field for all individuals, allowing the establishment of a framework of fair competition, without restrictions and manipulations of various types. This means neutralize any public benefit, such as tariffs and subsidies(Ely, 1992).

The 'New Liberalism'

Determined to stand as a candidate for Congress, will pose the alternative of in Bogota, where he was directly benefited favorability that always accompanied the former President Alberto Lleras Restrepo.No Galán However, to the surprise of some, chooses on his land candidatizarse native. It was not only returning to their roots but to live the province colombiana. (Christman, 2005)

Liberal Theories of Social Justice

Social liberalism or neo-liberal New Liberalism: a socialist-leaning interested ...
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