Liability And Accountability

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Liability and Accountability

Liability and Accountability

Invasion Privacy Laws

It has been noticed that each state has certain laws to balance and individual's privacy and related with the public knowledge and freedom of press. If media and other sources try to breach the privacy of individuals then they will be charged with invasion of privacy law. Courts have declared the four categories of invasion of privacy laws (

The first type of invasion of privacy law is intrusion and, it will occur when any individual interfairs in the internal affairs of other individual. Let us take an example, if an individual records the private conversation of other individual without his knowledge, or take photographs. This means individual is acting unethically and, violating the individual's solitude. Moreover, media and other external sources should be careful in raising points to the privacy of public figures and, public figures have the rights to sue the media for invasion of privacy.

Public disclosure is the type of invasion of privacy law encompasses the disclosure of private facts and, this will occur when any individual publishes embarrassing and offensive facts of any individual's private life. If media or group of individuals publish the private facts of individual or public figure that hurts, embarrasses him then he has the right to sue the media for invasion of privacy ( The court may investigate that how media gets the private information and, media will be found guilty.

The third type of law is false light which occur when individual declares false statements and, it will create the person in the false lights. Let's take an example if an author highlights the personality by creating a false story then, he is placing an individual in the false light and, this means he is hiding the truth. Any story which is fictionist for the sake of publicity is surely hiding the truth from public and, will putting individuals in false lights.

Appropriation is the type of invasion of privacy law occur when any individual uses other individual's name without his knowledge for the sake of publicity and marketing. This aims for using the name of others for the sake of publicity and commercial use. For example, companies do not use the name of any celebrity or public figure without asking the permission of the celebrity. Public figure or celebrity can sue the company if they find that company is using their name without their knowledge.

The major theme of similarities between these laws is the privacy. These laws aim to bring privacy to individuals because, privacy is of high importance in any individual's life. In other words all the types of invasion of privacy laws are protecting the individual's privacy especially, public figures and celebrities. Intrusion, Public disclosure and appropriation are almost providing the same rights to celebrities and public figures to secure their privacy and, they have the right to sue the individuals if they find any of their information is disclosed without their permission.

The difference in these types of laws ...
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