Lgf - Critical Evaluation

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The Lesbian and Gay Foundation

The Lesbian and Gay Foundation


In this era, lesbians, gays, bisexuals and trans genders (LGBTs) are more recognized than ever before and are supported by numerous third parties and not for profit organisations which represent them. Their equality in the society and rights are more stringently promoted now with not for profit organisations along with parliamentarian representatives as well representing LGBTs in the political debates and in the overall political arena. But yet, even though the societal perception regarding the issue of LGBTs has evolved and elevated, there exist controversy and resistance in the approval of their rights lawfully through the passing of relevant legislations in addition to their public acceptance as well. It is this holdback demonstrated by the government as well as public that triggers challenges for charities and third party organisations working on behalf and for the promotion of the rights of LGBTs, through placing them as unable to effectively impact legislations that are unfavourable for their respective community.


Big Society

David Cameron's speech titled 'Big Society' mainly revolved around empowerment of people through localisation and devolution of greater responsibility at the federal government level to the local government, local pubic and communities so that a better society could be achieved and the shared vision of the greater public could be realised. Big Society came at the time of UK general elections in the year 2010, which was introduced as the key policy idea of the UK Conservative party and was put into their general election manifesto. After the general elections of 2010, it was relaunched by David Cameron on July 19th, 2010 following the speech delivered at the Liverpool Hope University of Liverpool.

The major elements of the policy basically involved localism and devolution; that is the transfer of more power to the communities, volunteerism; that is prompting people to embrace an active role in their society to bring and influence positive change into the society for its betterment, transference of the authority and power of central government to the local government. In addition to that, other priorities of the policy included the provision of support to charities, social enterprises, mutual organisations or society and co-operations and the issuance of governmental data as well to make certain the transparency of the government. For the purpose of financing and funding of the projects arising as a result of the Big Society initiative, Big Society Bank was also proposed to be created. All the major elements presented above will promote betterment of the society but it is subjected more to the implementation of the policy and the extent to which it is followed and implemented.

The policy is so presented that it points that the power will be in the masses' hands to change the world through making amendments in the policies and legislations or rather aborting them. But rather it has been criticized as the state trying to turn their back onto the most vulnerable. The funds provided as charitable assets by the ...