Level Of Satisfaction Of “age Concern Hackney"

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Level of Satisfaction of “Age Concern Hackney"

Level of Satisfaction of “Age Concern Hackney"

Level of Satisfaction of “Age Concern Hackney"


Organizations, which are more efficient in providing value for customers, leading to higher customer satisfaction, are more likely to survive in a competitive situation . High customer satisfaction has significant implications on financial performance, since a positively correlates with lower customer retention and the price that a customer is willing to pay for products and services . The importance of customer satisfaction is emphasized in project-based business, where a customer often plays an integral role in the production process. A satisfied customer works together with the supplier to make a project successful and is often willing to make compromises (Argyris 1996).

One of the most commonly used method for gathering information regarding how the customers ' needs are satisfied by the supplying organization's products and services is the customer satisfaction survey. However, several researchers have identified significant challenges related to the implementation of customer satisfaction surveys and little evidence exists that demonstrates customer satisfaction surveys are effectively used in organizational decision-making processes . Utilization of survey results tend to rely on statistical analysis of the data. In a project-based organization, there are significant challenges in acquiring any usable information from the surveys due to a small amount of customers, each having their own preferences . Alternative methods for measuring customer satisfaction exist, but there is no theoretical framework, which organizations could use to select a proper measurement approach. In addition, the use of customer satisfaction surveys is strongly encouraged in quality management systems such as ISO 9001. This has lead into a situation in which many project-based organizations have implemented customer satisfaction surveys without really understanding whether they provide any value for the organization.

The purpose of this paper is to create a framework, which can be used to assess the value provided by conducting customer satisfaction surveys for a project-based organization. This paper contributes to existing knowledge by discussing the symbolic value that customer satisfaction surveys may provide for an organization. In the empirical part of this paper, the value gained by two project-based organizations that have implemented customer satisfaction surveys, is analyzed (Kujala 2004).

Role and value of customer satisfaction measurement system in non profit organization

This research aims to contribute to existing knowledge by drawing mainly from two theoretical perspectives: institutional theory and and organizational culture . These theoretical perspectives are combined to provide a theoretical framework, which is then used to analyze the role and impact of implementing customer satisfaction surveys in the context of two project-based organizations. We argue that these two theories, which have been largely neglected in earlier project research, can provide a novel perspective in analyzing the value of implementing customer satisfaction surveys in project-based organizations.

Construct development

It can be argued that the core objective for any group or organization is survival and . Ultimately the value of any management approach can be assessed as to whether it contributes to organizational ...
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