Letter To The Federal Minister Of Health

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Letter to the Federal Minister of Health

Letter to the Federal Minister of Health



[City, Country].

16th March, 2013

The Honorable Federal Minister of Health


To: Honourable, Federal Minister of Health, Rona Ambrose

Re: A Demand to Increase the Wages of People Working in the Service Industry, especially in the Health Care Sector in the spirit of Respect, Dignity and Equity

Seniors in health care services are entitled to delivery of quality care with dignity and respect as they received in other service businesses. Most of the care providers working in long-term health care are aware of the fact that personal experience that Canada lacked in terms of standard.

The struggle for a minimum wage increase in the Canada is a matter of survival for millions of health care workers. The inferior quality of health care runs analogously with the decline in work conditions for care givers. A study has demonstrated a direct association between staffing levels and care quality in hospitals that hoe health quality is reducing, and stress is increasing among health care workers. As a result, health of care givers is affected badly, along with increase frustration because of low wages and benefits to them. Along with increasing number of care receivers, the staffing level of nurses remains constant with low wages. This has resulted in increased poverty among health care workers, and ultimately affected their living standards (Vujicic, et al, 2004).

Healthcare system of Canada is confronted with unprecedented problems. Health care workers are gradually hauling out of the most exceedingly awful economic downturn since the Medicare advent, and, for years to come, economic growth and tax incomes will be slower than anticipated. Theorists have highlighted several reason of wage increase. According to the efficiency wage theory, the productivity of workers increases with the remuneration received. This means that if the ability is related to wages, the best workers will be employed in places due to better-paid employment mechanism. It is essential to increase the wages of health care workers to reduce poverty.

The situation of several hospitals in Canada remains alarming. The hospitals remain full of patients due to lack of beds, obsolete medical equipment, few specialists for care. And to make an appointment, patients should wait three to five months. The government still lacks in policy of remuneration for health care providers to improve their living, and thereby, health care service. On the other hand, Government must begin “sustained, important and historic reform” of the public health system, which includes an initial budget of 540 million Canadian dollars to increase the salaries of all staff, including doctors and nurses (Woolhandler, Campbell & Himmelstein, 2003).

Over 20 years, the remuneration policy of the doctors and staff working for the health sector "was missing the point" and tried to repair with small increases, differentiated to other service sectors, which has generated a total mess with over time. Instead, with the pay reform, the government significantly lack in want to do will benefit doctors, nurses, midwives, dentists and nursing staff of the labor system 276, ...
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