Lesson Plan

Read Complete Research Material


Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Learning objectives of the lesson and student's assessment

English language taught at each level will be according to the needs of the participants.

Standards :

English Language Arts Level 1:

Students will learn to read, speak, write, and listen for information and understanding.

Information. Will be compared and synthesized from various sources.

Several strategies to be used for selecting and organizing information

Students will be made to learn to have an authoritative stance on the lessons they learnt

Processes of pre-writing, proofreading and revising to be used

Level 2:

Students will read, speak and write, and listen for literary response and expression.

Students will be made to use standard English

Level 3

Students will read, speak and write, and listen for critical analysis and evaluation. 

Students will be taught to analyze, evaluate ideas, informational and language will be taught from academic and non-academic texts, books movies and reviews

Level 4:

Students will be taught to read, speak, write, and listen for social interaction.

Objectives :

Students will be made able to write three different types of articles- editorial, sports, and latest news. 

Students will write Latest News articles

3. Students will be made to write sports article as a mixture of fact and opinion. 4. Students will be made to write editorial article as an opinion based article. 5. Students will be made to organize the articles in a newspaper format.

6. Students will be made to post their articles on the school website.

8. Students will be made to work in groups of two with the group rotating responsibilities (Biggs, 2009).

Using multimedia in lesson and assessment

Distance learning is now being taught utilizing different means such television, radio, audio and video presentation. Use of internet through computers is another mean. The process involves interaction between the students and teachers and the students and the information materials (Dempsey, et al., 2002). It need not necessarily be just computer based such as the use of emails etc. other technology that needs to be incorporated is that of multimedia computer applications. Multimedia components such as chat rooms and web conferencing would be employed. Also the students will be engaged in collaborative projects. These components will help he students learn the English language with a more effective approach. Below are some of the multimedia applications that will be used during the lesson:

Chat Room

The employment of chat rooms is necessary to share viewpoints of different students, sharing of knowledge and coming up with clarifications for questions. Chat room courses will only be used when there is a mandatory meeting or if there is an educational need.

Collaborative Projects

New web applications would enable many students to work together on an essay, assignment or a visual. The number of students in group will be kept to a minimum. After the first group meeting, tasks will be divided and some ground rules will be enforced.


Email will be used to contact students when they are not online.

Message Boards

This will enable students to come up with thought-out responses to the questions.


This will allow students to listen to lectures whenever and where ever they want to, ...
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