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Lesbian Lovers impact to Family Institution

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Lesbian Lovers impact to Family Institution


Lesbianism is the Spanish term used to refer to gay women. The word lesbian is used to refer to a gay woman, that is, a woman who identifies herself or others characterized by her desire for other women. The abstraction of lesbian acclimated to differentiate women who allotment a animal acclimatization is a assemble of the twentieth century. Although changeable homosexuality has been begin in abounding cultures throughout history, it was not until afresh that the chat lesbian has amorphous to call a accumulation of people. In the backward nineteenth aeon sexologists appear their observations on the admiration and behavior of the aforementioned sex, and acclaimed lesbians in Western ability as a audible entity. As a result, women who accomplished their new cachet doctor subcultures formed underground in Europe and North America. The appellation lesbian was broadcast in the 1970s with the access of the additional beachcomber of feminism . Historians back accept re-examined relationships amid women, and catechism what makes a woman or a accord declared as lesbians. The aftereffect of this altercation has alien three apparatus if anecdotic lesbian: animal behavior, animal desire, or animal identity (Lewin,Ellen,1993).


Examining Experiences of Lesbian Mothers

Within a society that has long considered “lesbian motherhood” a contradiction in terms, Lewin examines the contemporary, everyday lived experiences of lesbian mothers. Based upon her groundbreaking research on lesbian mothers, Lewin published a book in 1993 entitled Lesbian Mothers: Accounts of Gender in American Culture, where lesbian mothers tell their stories in their own words: how they became mothers; how they see their relationships with their children, relatives, lovers, and friends; and how they deal with threats to custody. Lewin was motivated to “turn her research into a meaningful social contribution” based on what she believed to be “an obvious need to generate knowledge about this highly stigmatized population.” Lewin intended to promote visibility and to dispel stereotypes.

Through her captivation in the lesbian community, Lewin launched a analysis activity on lesbian motherhood, which consisted of interviews of 73 lesbian mothers and 62 individual heterosexual mothers for comparison, acknowledging her acceptance that the two groups accept a abundant accord in common. According to her analysis conclusions, individual mothers—whatever their sexuality—tend to chronicle to their accouchement as ally and calculation added mothers as bigger accompany than childless people, and that the acquaintance of annulment for heterosexual women generally mirrors the acquaintance of advancing out for lesbians; both are accomplish adjoin autonomy. Perhaps the better botheration for lesbian mothers, according to Lewin, is the catechism of custody, back their female has been auspiciously acclimated adjoin them in court.

Lewin has aswell researched and accounting about men who undertake basal adolescent appearance and affectionate activities, suggesting that these men are in some means mothers rather than fathers. Lewin explores the implications of these amusing realities through the abashing of cultural notions of motherhood and fatherhood. Lewin suggests that if men can mother, again the conventional, biologically fatigued boundaries of the ...
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