Leonardo Pisano Bogollo

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Leonardo Pisano Bogollo














Leonardo Pisano Bogollo


Also referred to as Leonard of Pisa, Fibonacci was an Italian number theorist. It is accepted that Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci was born in the 13th 100 years, in 1170 (approximately) and that he past away in 1250. Fibonacci was born in Italy but got his learning in North Africa. Very little is renowned about him or his family and there are no photos or drawings of him. Much of the information about Fibonacci has been accumulated by his autobiographical remarks which he encompassed in his books. (Martin, 2007)

However, Fibonacci is advised to be one of the most gifted mathematicians for the middle Ages. Few persons recognize that it was Fibonacci that provided us our decimal number system (Hindu-Arabic numbering system) which restored the Roman numeral system. When he was revising numbers, he utilized the Hindu-Arabic (0-9) emblems rather than of Roman emblems which didn't have 0's and needed location value. (Martin, 2007)In detail, when utilizing the Roman numeral system, an abacus was generally required. There is no question that Fibonacci glimpsed the superiority of utilizing Hindu-Arabic system over the Roman Numerals. He displays how to use our present numbering system in his publication Liber abaci.

The next difficulty was in writing in his publication called Liber abaci:

A certain man put a pair of rabbits in a location enclosed on all edges by a wall. How numerous pairs of rabbits can be made from that pair in a year if it is presumed that every month each pair begets a new pair, which from the second month on becomes productive? It was this difficulty that directed Fibonacci to the introduction of the Fibonacci Numbers and the Fibonacci sequence which is what he continues well renowned for to this day. (Martin, 2007)The sequence is 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55... This sequence, displays that each number is the addition of the two preceding numbers. It is a sequence that is glimpsed and utilized in numerous distinct localities of numbers and science. The sequence is a demonstration of a recursive sequence. (Glenn, 2009) The Fibonacci sequence characterizes the curvature of routinely happening spirals, for example snail seashells and even the convention of kernels in blossoming plants. The Fibonacci sequence was really granted the title by a French mathematician Eduardo Lucas in the 1870's.


ContributionsFibonacci is well renowned for his assistance to number theory.

? In his publication, Liber abaci he presented the Hindu-Arabic place-valued decimal system and the use of Arabic numerals into Europe.(Martin, 2007)

? He presented us to the bar we use in parts, preceding to this, the numerator has quotations round it.

? The rectangle origin notation is furthermore a Fibonacci method.

It has been said that the Fibonacci numbers are Nature's numbering system and request to the development of dwelling things, encompassing units, petals on a bloom, wheat, honeycomb, pine cones and much more.(Glenn, 2009)

Fibonacci completed his journeys round the year 1200 and at that time he returned to ...