Leo Constellation Project

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Leo Constellation Project

Leo Constellation Project


Leo (constellation) is a Zodiacal constellation in the northern hemisphere between Cancer and Virgo. Has Sickle asterism. Alpha Leo, Regulus, has a luminosity of 160 solar and high apparent magnitude of 1.36, as it is situated at a distance of only 85 light years from us. Beta Leo has a magnitude of 2.14 and removed from us at 43 light years. R Leo has the long-period variable star high brightness, which ranges from 5 to 10 magnitudes. In the constellation also contains spiral galaxies M65, M66, M95 and M96, and M105 elliptical galaxy with a magnitude of 8.4 to 10.4.


The constellation Leo

Lev (Leo) is a zodiacal constellation of the northern hemisphere of the sky, lying between Cancer and Virgo. The Sun enters the constellation of 10 August. The constellation Leo is on the star map of the area of 947 square meters, degrees making it one of the largest constellations (12th place). Neighboring constellations: Big Dipper, Little Lion, the Coma, Virgo, Bowl, Hydra, Cancer, Sextants.

The constellation of Leo was known to the Sumerians 5000 years ago. The ancient Egyptians associated the constellation Leo with seasonal displays of nature. In ancient Egypt at the time of finding the constellation of Leo at the zenith of the night sky (March, April) accounted for most hot time. Dried, even the fertile Nile Valley, the soil is cracked because of the unbearable heat. At this time, the night turned into a desert kingdom of lions. This was repeated from year to year. Therefore, the ancient Egyptians called the name of the king of beasts visible at the time of the sky.

It is related to classic myth, which connects the name of the constellation Leo the first fight of Hercules, in which he got victory over the Nemean lion. The constellation ...
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