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International Marketing Report


2.0Quelch's Seven Features - Global Brand2

2.1 Strength in Home Market2

2.2 Balance in Sales3

2.3 Addresses Similar Consumer Needs Worldwide5

2.4 Consistent Positioning6

2.5 Country of Origin Effect6

2.6 Product Category Focus8

2.7 Corporate Brand Name10


3.0Application of Marketing Metrics10




International Marketing Report


This is an international marketing report, which addresses the global brand strategy issues. This report is on China's global market so I have picked up a famous and international brand of China that is Lenovo. This report fulfils all the concerns related to global branding and the process of globalization. Lenovo group is involved in the manufacturing of computers and all other products and services related to IT. Lenovo group offers variety of range of notebooks, computers, laptops, and mobile phones. Lenovo primarily functions in China. Its headquarters is located in Quarry Bay, Hong Kong along with an employ force of 27,000 plus.

The company came in to being in the year 1988 in Hong Kong. Its parent company named, Legend Holdings established later in China in the year 1984. In the year 1988, a branch of the parent company established in Hong Kong in order to distribute computer products and accessories of foreign brand. The group's products includes, PC notebook, Desktop PCs, Mobile phones etc. The PC - notebook is in the form of laptop normally for the consumer or enterprise market. Lenovo offers three different lines of laptops or notebooks that are ThinkPad, Idea Pad and Essential (www.lenovo.com).

ThinkPad is for business people and schools. The Essential series of the brand is for regular basis computer needs. Idea Pad on the other hand, fulfils the requirements of home users, home office, and schools. The Desktop PC of the brand offers desktops or all in one PC and workstations. There are three different lines of PCs as well. These are; Idea Centre, Think Centre and Essential. However, the Mobile phone product includes, Lenovo mobiles, which the group reacquired in the year 2010. Lenovo's mobile phones sold in China commonly and it is a LePhone, which is a lustrous Android phone by Lenovo.

Quelch's Seven Features - Global Brand

2.1 Strength in Home Market

A brand strategy is the technique whereby the offer positioned in the client's personality to prepare a taste of preference. In another way, the importance of the brand should be reflected in everything the company does, in particular those that effect the shopper. Any time making branding techniques, an organisation might as well first have an understanding into their brand and its value. Brand identity is everything that the company needs and always recognized by the client (Temporal, 2002). The foundation and appreciation of a brand is one of the core stages in the time for the globalisation of the brand. That is, the brand must have a personality that will serve as a medium for its globalisation, particularly for its brand positioning and procedure. However, for existing brands, positioning is determined from its identity. At the level of worldwide brands, the brand positioning emphasizes on unified identity may as well possess a unique ...
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