Leisure And Tourism

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Leisure and Tourism to Form and Express Individuals Identity

Leisure and Tourism to Form and Express Individuals Identity


How can we now assume that we know, the radical international phenomenon, labeled "globalization" has called for a review of everything we ever knew simply as tourism. Some travel to "away", others to see new things and experience foreign cultures, while others appreciate it for the pure spontaneity of it can bring. Although globalization is often accredited to the increased ease with which we can now drive (or tour, for that matter), it also served to provide a value for travelers increasingly obsolete. Union travel and globalization opens many direct and indirect effects, more direct and tangible of which include economic factors such as corporate branding originally priceless artifacts and homogenization times of unique places on international corporations.

More subtle, indirect effects include distortion between the classification of "tourists" and "travel", the set of possible motivations for travel and transportation methods. Modernity and technology also played a role in the rapid growth in popularity of tourism, contributing to new trends, tastes and motives for the journey to evolve over time. In a globalized world, serving as a vehicle for capitalism, tourism has become the largest industry in the world, and with it, our collective subconscious mind of the capitalist market society throughout the world as the goods themselves in an attempt to "cash in on the craze, so to speak (NOGUÉ, 2000, p. 31). As early as any other aspect of our society, globalization has opened new opportunities for the idea of travel / tourism, undermining the significance of what was once considered sacred in the simple symbols and open doors in ways we could never have even thought to exist.


This world that we so affectionately call our own thinly filled with abstract, essentially useless distinction used to classify and group that is even remotely on our lives. One such instance is the supposed gray area on the meaning and use of the words "traveler" and "tourist". Although it is rather abstract and meaningless, classification or "dear traveler," or "modest tourist is not black and white issue, but more realistically, it became more a matter of placement on a wide range or ranges. Emplacement, which essentially determines whether a in a foreign environment is as easy prey for those who seek to use the hordes of naive visitors, or those who are looking beyond the usual activities and route based holidays that really want to get something more than souvenirs and photos (MARINÉ, 2009, p. 13).

According to Jonathan Culler in his part of semiotics of tourism, tourist, are not interested in an alibi society uses to refuncionalize their practice. The tourist is interested in everything as a sign (GOVERS, 2009, p. 148). It's a tourist, rather than a traveler or even a family that becomes the object of business is looking to capitalize on the lucrative prospects that leisurely trip. In their constant search for "that look" that a specially marked ...
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