Leisure And Events

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Leisure and events

Leisure and events


Leisure or free time is the period which we spent for an activity beside work. It is a period of recreational activities, which include time, spent after busy period, which includes attending school, going to work, eating and sleeping, day-to-day stresses and household chores. This time is referred to as free time. It includes all those activities which are down time activities and are spent away from the stress.

Leisure Activities

Leisure has different meanings. On one hand, it is the collection of all activities where only one is devoted to resting. Leisure time is the entertainment available to a person who intended to carry out those activities that offer recreational pleasure. In the preceding time, leisure activities were those which aimed at the ruling classes, and the rest of society which was primarily engaged in tasks related to manual labour in all its forms (Kay, 2003, p. 4). The activities performed by the ruling classes were not as dignified as performed the rest of the people, which was unworthy. It also makes a distinction between the vulgar and the philosophical leisure, as the vulgar entertainment which aimed at the mob and the marginalized in society and would not understand any dignity. This leaves us the meaning of philosophical leisure. Leisure is given a distinguished value in the society. Leisure time is a key factor in human life considered as time of relaxation. One should use it in works of genius like those described above or simply as a time of closure or rest. This is how people manage to disconnect for a few hours from their daily stress. Stress is a condition which surrounds the modern human, both in their working life and family. Therefore, leisure time is not wasted t but well spent. The paradox is that many of these leisure activities require more effort and attention than work associated with jobs, but in this sense must be considered that it seems rewarding for us as our mind get relaxed. It is no coincidence that the terms leisure and idleness have a negative connotation and that free time at present it seems that not material which is considered lost time leading to downtime. Thus, as with the speed of today's times, is misunderstood leisure (Orthner, 2005, p. 91).

Leisure and history

Leisure is also known as fun or occupation calm or quiet, where we find the hobbies or personal interests these are generally considered as tasks done one after other. There are various hobbies related to leisure. Some include collectables such as stamp collecting is the hobby or collection of seals and stamps. We also found the coin which is the collection of coins, the collecting of vellum or parchment, the collection of antiquities these are all considered as leisure activities. There are also activities which include modeling aircrafts, the ship modeling, the model train and miniatures. Other appropriate activities for leisure time are the Japanese art of origami or paper folding or tearing the paper and ...
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