Legalization Of Marijuana For Medicinal Purposes

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Legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes


In this study, we try to explore the subject of legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes. The main focus of the research is on Legalization of marijuana and its related pros and cons. The author also examines history of marijuana use, together with stance of government on this issue. The author also tries to gauge its effect on the people exposed to marijuana. Finally the research describes various factors that affect the decision of legalizing marijuana in United States.

Legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes


The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant facts and figures relating to legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Marijuana and hashish are made out of cannabis, growing in south-east Asia, the Mediterranean, Central America and South America. They can also be grown in temperate climates. They contain several biologically active substances, of which the most important are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). These are the most common, and thus the most commonly used drugs around the world. In some countries, cannabis preparations are certified and admitted to official trading. An example is the Dutch legislation. It has been medically confirmed that use of Marijuana (as medicine) results in a decrease in intraocular pressure, antiemetic, and anticonvulsant. In some countries, marijuana is often prescribed to terminally ill persons (Tuyl, 2007). This research aims to examine the current status of marijuana used for medicinal purposes in United States. The study will also evalaute the negative and postive effects of using marijuana on health, and how effective it is, if used as a medicine. The research will also evalaute other alternatives, other than marijuana, that can be used for medical purposes.

Depending on the conditions, cannabis may act as a stimulant, tranquilizer, or painkiller. Sensations arising from the adoption of Marijuana depend on a person's personality traits, dose, route of intake, emotional state at the time of adoption, the presence of other people, and the interaction of the substance with other drugs (e.g., alcohol). Marijuana is also the best airway dilator, the traquia to breathe better. Marijuana is the best dilator of the small channels of the lungs and bronchi. Medical tests show that smoking a little marijuana is the best choice of therapy for which many bronchi can be opened. The quality of life with this therapy could be increased to tens of millions of patients "emphysema", 60 percent of epilepsy could be saved with the use of Marijuana. It is known as the best medicine for any of epilepsy and for most victims of traumatic accidents. Marijuana reduces most forms of migraine (Trevino, 2011).

Marijuana is a plant used as medicine since ancient times. However, the twentieth century pharmaceutical companies added pressure from various sectors to ban a plant that had previously been consumed, grown and sold in most of the world. Investigations confirmed the medicinal uses of marijuana. Scientific studies, available at the National Library of Medicine U.S., demonstrated that both THC and various cannabinoids in the plant ...
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