Legalization Of Marijuana

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Legalization of Marijuana


This paper intends to discuss the effects of theory and practice of ethics in the legalization of marijuana in the United State of America. The legalization of marijuana is strongly opposed on the basis of the ethical theories of utilitarianism, deontology and the virtues of a society. The issues created by the use of marijuana in the social and personal life of an individual are also discussed. Moreover, the concept of ethical relativism is also discussed for this purpose. All these theories and concepts oppose the deadly act of legalizing the marijuana in the society.

Legalization of Marijuana

Thesis Statement

The legalization of marijuana is completely against the ethical standards of the society and must be opposed at all the levels considering the ethical theories and concepts.


This paper aims to the discussion of significant theories of ethical concerns regarding the legalization of Marijuana in the society. The act of legalization of Marijuana must be opposed ethically rather than the economic benefits it renders to the industry of the country. The use of marijuana is deadly to the society as it has worst impacts on the physical health and the mental health system.

Marijuana is a drug which is hallucinogen as it distorts the perceptions of mind about the world and the environment. It is a mixture of dried flowers, stems, seeds, and leaves of the Indian hemp plant. It is also called as Ganja, bhang, Mary Jane, and others. It is generally gray, brown or green in color ( It does not contain a single chemical only, but it is mixed with 61 known primary active ingredients, Delta-9-THC (Tetra Hydro Cannabinol), and hundreds of other toxic chemicals.

Marijuana is used in cigarette form and it is also smoked in a pipe. People also use it in their food and sometimes they take in their tea as well. The effects of Marijuana are reflected within minutes in terms of increased heart beat, bloodshot eyes, dried mouth and throat, weakened balance, short term memory, or dreamy state of mind. Its severe impact is in the form of Acute Anxiety Panic Reaction, expressed in terms of fear associated with the losing the control. The amount of the drug taken decides the effective time of these signs. According to the research, it is proved that the intake of one joint of (

Marijuana gives rise to the cancer producing chemicals five times more than a cigarette depending upon the amount of THC present. As this drug is much effective to mental state of the user, therefore, it affects the mental aptitude of the user, and the user suffers poorer memory as their brain structure may also be damaged (

It is the most common drug being used in the world illegally. According to a research, in 2007 there were 14.4 million people in the USA who had smoked it in a month. It describes the illegal existence of the drug among the people, and their likelihood towards its use despite of its hazardous effects ...
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