Legalisation Of Drugs

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Legalisation of Drugs

Legalisation of Drugs


Drugs have its origin in the early twentieth century. The issue of growing drug consumption and trade in the national security is a problem of longstanding and growing concern, because they have been emerging new generation throughout the country. The main problem is the high incidence of drugs followed by drug trafficking, and this is further giving rise to other crimes, which includes the proliferation of violent youth gangs, legitimating capital and domestic violence. Hence, in order to combat drug use and trade, there have been wars on drugs since the early twentieth century.


The war on drugs is one of the most vicious and bitter of policies ever imposed further waste of resources money etc. This is because the government uses billion of the citizen's money that they pay in the form of taxes in order to develop a well equipped, skilled and massive army. I think Legalisation on all drugs to a certain or defined limit is an approach most favoured for the war on drugs. This is because the governments would no longer waste billions of dollars in fighting drugs; resources would be allocated to fight the real criminals; those who violate the rights of others such as murderers, swindlers, rapists, thieves, terrorists, if they adopt Legalisation approach towards controlling drug use (Knight, 1974, p. 6-7).

Further the fact that the government is encountering enormous fiscal deficit as they are spending massively other means to control the drug of war that are expensive and are costing them huge amount of misallocation of their current resources. This can be stated as people are being killed through the drone attacks, or the law and policy of having massive penalties such as placing drug users in Prison is costing them loss of some valuable labour as well as the cost of maintaining prisoners in prisons. Through Legalisation of certain drugs such as marijuana will help them control their deficit, some additional costs that they can curb as well has ended the destructive drone attacks.

The prohibition of drugs has had disastrous consequences very similar to that experienced by alcohol in the twenties. However, instead of recognizing the failure of that policy, most governments around the world have committed to spending more and more threatening to the freedoms of its citizens in a futile effort to stop the illegal trade in narcotics. Legalising drugs would eliminate or significantly alleviate the dire consequences countries face under the current prohibitionist approach.

Legalisation of drugs would end the grossly lucrative drug trade, bringing to the surface the existing black market. With the demise, the underground drug dramatically reduces the social problems linked to such activity. This is because drug use is giving rise to other social crimes that include physical danger inherent in the use of illegal drugs; smuggling which is frequently followed by other crimes such as prostitution murder, assault, theft and kidnapping (Golden, 2007, p. 1555-1574). By incorporating Legalisation, it would dramatically reduce the price of drugs, ending the high ...
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