Legal System Ethics

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Legal System Ethics

Legal System Ethics

1. Analyze and explain the state of our legal system in terms of ethics.

Every time a system implies the changes and the challenges that come with it, not only do companies and organizations have a difficult time realizing the facts and figures altogether in the long-run, but also calls for authorities and the people involved in the system to practically follow rules and regulations, but also calls for us individuals to further streamline their practices in the light of ethics.

We live in a world where everything is grey, be it be real life, or the world at large to witness. An example of this is the accountability in the case of murders; the murder committed in the name of the self-defense is pardoned from the claws of the government and excused rightfully. However, on the other hand, if the murder has been done with intent, that murder is subject to capital punishment - first degree. In both the cases discussed, the loss of life has been committed (CJC, 2012).

Furthermore, ethical teachings and practices, although are an important part and parcel for the criminal justice system, but their application and their significance in the light of creating and establishing a better outcome implies a relatively less impression and position on account of the people that involved in the development and the establishment of an effective system of fighting crime.

2. Does our legal system promote good ethics or bad ethics?

Considering ethics largely depends upon the changes and the challenges that are now associated with how individuals deal with one another, it is one's own opinion and suggestion that irrespective and regardless of the changes and the challenges that are now being intended and associated, not only does it relate to human behavior, but also revolves around ...
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