Legal Structure Of Business

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Legal Structure of Business

Legal Structure of Business

Every business or organization has the organizational structure for gaining success, as it prioritizes the power structure, procedures and policies, and also identifies the guiding principle necessitated for achieving the goals and objectives of companies. The structure of organization also portrays the level of management from the top layer to lower level. Apple Inc is one of the biggest American multinational corporations that have the proper organizational structure which affected over their success for leading apple to become the most potent company of the world. This company designs the mobile communication, media devices, portable digital music players, personal computers and other software services. This organization is mostly famous for his hardware products that include the iPod, Macintosh line of computers, the iPad and the iPhone. The software of Apple includes the iTunes media browser, Mac OS X operating system, the iLife suite of multimedia, the iWork suite of productivity software, Final Cut Studio and many more. Apple is one of the biggest companies in the world and most worthy technology firm, having surpassed Microsoft.

Apple Inc has made two lawsuits that involve more somber ethical issues on part of Apple. The first lawsuit was the usage of Apple's domain name as In 2000, Ben Cohen registered this domain name and also used the title to forward users on other websites. It has been researched that he eventually used the name of domain for forwarding it to the users of Napster site, which is a direct challenger of Apple. The company tried to buy the name of domain from Cohen, but when discussions went wrong, the company appealed to the registry Nominet of United Kingdom ( In usual terms, whoever files the name of domain firstly holds the rights of that name. Nevertheless, the negotiator ...
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