Legal Research Writing & Civil Litigation

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Legal Research Writing & Civil Litigation

Legal Research Writing & Civil Litigation


In line with legal research writing, the issue revolves around, we were just making way for progress and expansion altogether. The case was an unorganized, verbose, non-focused which have uses the slang language with incorrect citation and format. In below, the case has been properly written with critical analysis of the case altogether.

The base ball bat was bought by the plaintiff from the defendant and the particular bat broken out into million pieces, as soon the defendant use to play baseball from bat of plaintiff. Considering the civil litigation that takes place altogethet, the case shows violation makes way for certainly violates the implied warranty of merchantability under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC 2-314).


Industria De Calcados Martini Ltda.v. Maxwell Shoe Co., 36 Mass. App. Ct. 268 (Mass. App. Ct. 1994), has also defines in their case that issue that relates to expounded has told that the bat of baseball does not crack when it used normally, in other way the store is liable to pay the money back to its customer, similar to the case Dudzik v. Klein's All Sports, 158 Misc. 2d 72 (N.Y. J. Ct. 1993).

The relevant information's that has been clearly stated in and can be understand through these cases has determine that when someone purchase the base ball bat, then there is must condition which represent to named respected parties.

This is also determining that the bat should be in such condition through which the implied warranty owing sustained towards the parties who have engaged with certain issue. The case of UCC 2-314 has also clearly stated that whenever the good has been sold, it should be perfect condition.


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